Thursday, February 15, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Thursday, February 15, 2024: Humility and Reward


The Daily Devotional
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Humility and Reward
The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life.
Proverbs 22:4

In the hustle of daily life, especially in a vocation as demanding as teaching, it's easy to overlook the profound wisdom of Proverbs 22:4. Consider Carrie, a dedicated educator who pours countless hours into her work. Night after night, she grades papers and communicates with students and parents, her dedication unwavering. In this commitment, Carrie mirrors the essence of humility and fear of the LORD.

Humility, as depicted in Proverbs, isn’t about self-deprecation; it's recognizing our role and place in God's grand design. It's understanding that our strengths, like Carrie’s remarkable dedication to her students, are gifts from God to be used for His glory and the betterment of others. When Carrie turns to her colleagues for support, she embodies the humility spoken of in Scripture. She acknowledges that she doesn’t have all the answers and that collaboration can lead to greater success than solo efforts.

"Fear of the LORD" in this context is about awe and reverence for God, recognizing His sovereignty in our lives. Carrie's devotion to her career is not just about fulfilling job responsibilities; it is an act of service to God, honoring the talents He has bestowed upon her. In the long hours and the challenging moments, her perseverance is a testament to her faith.

The latter part of the verse, "riches and honor and life," reminds us that God's rewards for humility and reverence are not always material but are often found in the richness of relationships, the honor of fulfilling one's calling, and the fullness of life lived in service to Him and others. Carrie's collaborative spirit not only eases her burden but also builds a community that enriches her life and the lives of those around her.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the wisdom in Your Word. Help us to embody the humility and reverence for You as shown in Proverbs 22:4. Guide us in our vocations, whether in teaching like Carrie or in other fields, to serve with humility, acknowledging our need for others and for Your guidance. May we seek not only personal success but also the richness of community and the joy of serving in Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • This week, let's identify one area in our professional lives where we can demonstrate humility, perhaps by seeking collaboration or acknowledging the contributions of others.
  • Spend time in prayer, asking God to show us how to live out our reverence for Him in our daily tasks.
  • Let's make an effort to support someone in our community, just as Carrie's colleagues support her, recognizing that we are stronger together.
Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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