Saturday, September 28, 2024

Daily Devotions for Saturday, September 28, 2024: Rescued from the Storm


The Daily Devotional

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Rescued from the Storm

[Jesus] gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. (Galatians 1:4)


In Galatians 1:4, Paul writes, "who gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father." This verse reminds us of the incredible love of Christ, who came to deliver us from the spiritual storms of this world. His sacrifice is our lifeline, pulling us from the overwhelming forces of sin and darkness. Just as a ship in distress calls out to the Coast Guard for rescue, we, too, can call upon the Lord when we find ourselves lost in the storms of life.


Picture this: you're sailing on a peaceful sea, the sky clear and blue. But in a matter of hours, dark clouds gather, and a storm descends. The winds howl, waves tower over the boat, and soon, you're tossed about with no control. Panic sets in as the situation grows worse, and finally, in desperation, you reach out to the Coast Guard. They respond, guiding you to safety and offering calm in the chaos.

Our lives are often like that. We sail through calm days, but storms—whether personal struggles, temptations, or hardships—can come out of nowhere. We may try to manage them on our own, but sometimes, we reach a point where only a power greater than ourselves can save us. Jesus is that rescuer. Just as the Coast Guard pulls a shipwrecked sailor from danger, Christ's sacrifice on the cross pulls us from the chaos of sin, offering us redemption and peace.


Just as a sailor in distress must humble themselves to call for help, we too must recognize our need for Jesus' saving grace. Often, pride or self-reliance keeps us from admitting we need help. But Galatians 1:4 reminds us that Jesus gave Himself willingly to rescue us from the dangers of this world, dangers we cannot escape on our own. When storms of life rise up—whether it's the storm of anxiety, addiction, loss, or guilt—we can cry out to Him, trusting that He will respond swiftly, bringing calm to our souls.


No matter how strong the storms may seem, Christ is always near, ready to answer our call for rescue. We are not alone in the tempest. Through His sacrifice, He has already charted a path for our safe passage, delivering us from the overwhelming forces of sin and bringing us into the peace of God's presence.


Loving Father, we thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son, who gave Himself to rescue us from the storms of this world. Help us to remember that in times of distress, we can always call on You. When the winds of life threaten to overwhelm us, guide us safely to Your peace. Keep us humble, Lord, that we may always seek Your help, knowing that in You, we find refuge and salvation. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Devotional by: Rev. Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA

The Bible texts are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993, the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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