Friday, June 29, 2018

The Morning Prayer for SATURDAY, June 30, 2018

Dear Lord,

I saw the sun shining so brightly this morning. It made me remember of my family and how blessed I am that you have given them to me.

Thank you for my father, for enduring every hard day to be able to provide for us and never complains. Even on his weak days, he remains strong and hard working. Today he went to work early this morning to provide us with a good life here on earth.

Thank you for my mother who loves us unconditionally just like Mary loved Jesus. She provided us with breakfast food on the table which were very delicious.

Thank you for the gift of siblings, Lord. Life would be so dull without them. They are my first best friends and my first companions during breakfast talks.

You have truly great plans for everyone and that includes having the best siblings in the world. I may not say it as often, but I love them dearly. Bless our family today as we go our separate ways. Keep them safe from harm and lead us not into temptation. There is nothing more that I shall want but their happiness. Brings us all back home safely to each other, In Jesus’ name I pray.

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