The Daily Devotional
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Counting the Cost
…those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.
Luke 14:33 (NIV)
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Counting the Cost
…those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.
Luke 14:33 (NIV)
Ronit grew up in a family that held religious beliefs, though not those of Christianity. Their spiritual conversations were more intellectual than experiential. "I was diligently praying all the prayers," she shared, "but I wasn't experiencing any communication [from God]."
Her journey led her to explore the Bible, where she gradually found herself being drawn to the belief that Jesus is the Messiah. Ronit vividly remembers the pivotal moment that solidified her faith: "A distinct voice in my heart told me, 'You have heard enough, seen enough; now, simply have faith.'” However, embracing her newfound faith was not without its challenges, especially concerning her father. "His reaction was akin to an eruption of Mount Vesuvius," she recollects.
The cost of discipleship is often steep, requiring us to examine our hearts and lives and consider what we are willing to let go of in order to follow Jesus more closely.
In Luke 14:33, Jesus tells us that we must be willing to give up everything we have to be His disciples. This is a challenging and radical call, and it's easy to brush it off as something that doesn't really apply to us today. But the truth is, the call to discipleship hasn't changed. If we want to follow Jesus, we must be willing to lay everything on the line.
Though she has a deep love and respect for her family, Ronit resolved, "Regardless of the cost, I believe it's worth it."
In the grand tapestry of the Bible, Luke 14:33 stands as a challenging yet foundational call to true discipleship. Jesus was not one to sugarcoat the demands of following Him. It's clear that He was calling for a profound level of commitment.
At first glance, this verse may seem extreme. Is Jesus really asking us to give up everything? Our possessions, our comforts, our dreams, our very identities? This doesn't necessarily mean we are required to give up all our possessions and live a life of poverty. However, it does mean that we should be willing to surrender anything that stands in the way of our relationship with Christ. This could be a relationship, a job, a hobby, or even a way of thinking. Whatever it is, if it is keeping us from fully committing to Jesus, we must be willing to let it go.
The key here is not the renunciation of physical possessions, though that might sometimes be a part of our journey. Instead, it’s about the surrender of our will, our desires, and our control. Anything that holds a place higher than Jesus in our hearts is what He’s speaking to. Whatever it is, if it is keeping us from fully committing to Jesus, we must be willing to let it go.
To be a disciple of Jesus is to understand that He must be our ultimate priority. This does not mean we can't have relationships, pursue careers, or own things. But it does mean that we should not allow these to dominate our hearts or come in the way of our commitment to Christ.
Take a moment today to reflect on your own life. Are there things you're holding onto more tightly than Jesus? Perhaps it's a relationship, a job, or even a dream. Consider the areas of your life where Jesus might be asking for deeper surrender.
Lord Jesus, teach me to truly count the cost of following You. Help me to hold the things of this world loosely, knowing that my true treasure is in You. Grant me the grace to surrender all areas of my life, so that You may be the center of it all. Amen.
This week, identify one thing that you've placed above Jesus in your life. It could be as subtle as a mindset or as tangible as a possession. Pray about it daily and ask God for the strength to surrender it, placing Him first in every aspect of your life.
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