The Daily Devotional
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The Shepherd's Call
His sheep follow him because they know his voice.
John 10:4 (NIV)
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The Shepherd's Call
His sheep follow him because they know his voice.
John 10:4 (NIV)
As a child amidst the sun-kissed sprawl of California, I reveled in the endless afternoons of adventure alongside my childhood companion. Our days were a tapestry woven with explorations into the embrace of the woods, the freedom of our bike rides, and the simple joy of a ball game—pure, unbridled boyhood pursuits. Yet, amidst the laughter and the din of play, there was a sound that held a power beyond the others—the crisp, piercing whistle from my father. It cut through the breeze and the background noise with an authority that beckoned me without fail. In an instant, my activities would halt, and I'd set off towards home. That call was unmistakable, an audible beacon that I was being summoned by the man I looked up to. Years have rolled on, turning into decades, yet that distinctive whistle remains etched in my memory, a timeless echo I would know anywhere.
In the stillness of our lives, amidst the myriad of voices that call out to us—the beckoning of responsibilities, the clamor of the world's expectations, and the whispers of our own doubts—there exists a voice that rises above all others. It is the voice of the Shepherd, the one who knows us by name, who calls us out into the pasture of life where He has promised to lead us.
Jesus presented Himself to His followers with a pastoral metaphor, identifying Himself as the Shepherd, and His followers as His flock. “The sheep hear his voice," He explained. "He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out” (John 10:3). Amidst an era cluttered with the voices of various leaders and teachers, each vying for dominance and attempting to lead Christ’s disciples astray, He affirmed the unique clarity and kindness in His call. Despite the cacophony of competing claims, His voice remained a distinct signal of authentic love and guidance. “His sheep follow him,” He assured, “because they recognize His voice” (v. 4).
The imagery of the Shepherd and the sheep in John 10:4 invites us into a relationship built on trust and recognition. To follow the Shepherd, we must first recognize His voice. This requires an intimate knowledge of who He is, which can only come from time spent in His presence, through prayer, through the Word, and through the quiet contemplation of His character.
The Shepherd's voice is not one of coercion or manipulation; it is the voice of steadfast love and tender care. He calls us out, not to abandon us to the wilds, but to lead us to places of nourishment and rest. He knows the paths that we must take, often before we even perceive the need to move. His foresight is our guidance, His concern our reassurance.
Consider the sheep, simple and wholly dependent on their shepherd. They do not question the direction of his call; they trust in his provision. Their relationship is one of mutual understanding—the shepherd commits to guide and protect, and the sheep commit to listen and follow.
In our spiritual walk, we are called to emulate this trust. The world can be a tumultuous place, with danger and uncertainty at every turn. Yet, the Shepherd goes on ahead of us. He does not push us from behind into the unknown; He leads from the front, facing the perils before we ever encounter them. In His leadership, there is wisdom; in His path, there is safety.
But to follow Him, we must be familiar with His voice. This is not a one-time introduction, but a lifelong journey of discernment and devotion. The world's voice is loud and its language is appealing, often cloaked in the garb of immediate gratification and easy solutions. But the Shepherd's voice is different—it is peace in chaos, truth in deception, and love in indifference.
Today, let us take a moment to silence the other voices. Let us tune our ears to the frequency of the divine, to the sound of our Shepherd calling us forward. As we learn to distinguish His voice, we grow in the confidence that He will lead us to the green pastures and still waters promised to us in the psalms. We will walk through valleys and climb mountains, but we will not fear, for we are not alone.
The Shepherd is calling. Do you recognize His voice? Will you follow?
As you reflect on this devotional, may you find comfort and strength in the knowledge that our Shepherd is always leading the way, and that His voice is constant and true. May your heart be attuned to His call, and your steps be firm in His path. Amen.
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