Sunday, January 24, 2016

Meditation for January 24, 2016

Corinthians 12:26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.

I belong to a small, informal writing group. Every few weeks, we send each other our short stories or essays and provide one another with feedback. We encourage each other to keep writing and celebrate when someone gets a story or article published.

All too often my miserly heart wants to hoard all the honor. It’s easy to imagine that worth hinges on being recognized. Sometimes, I imagine if one person is getting praise, then there won’t be any left over for me. My writing group is evidence that this is not the case.

You and I both know that there is plenty of suffering to go around. Like it or not, we can share in each other’s suffering and still have plenty of suffering of our own. It may be harder to remember, but the same is true of honor. We can rejoice together because we are all valued and necessary parts of the Body of Christ. In a healthy community, there is no shortage of love.

Lord Jesus, you said that everyone will know that we are your disciples if there is love among us. Strengthened by your grace, may we work tirelessly for the visible unity of your Church, so that the Good News that we are called to proclaim will be seen in all our words and deeds. Amen.