Friday, November 18, 2016

Nuestro Pan Diario - Telescopio

Leer: Isaías 40:21-31 | La Biblia en un año: Santiago 1

… Él saca y cuenta su ejército de estrellas; a todas las llama por su nombre… (Isaías 40:26, RVC).

Preocupado por asuntos del trabajo y del hogar, Mateo decidió salir a caminar. La brisa primaveral era encantadora, mientras el inmenso cielo azul se oscurecía y una espesa niebla descendía lentamente sobre el pantano. Las estrellas comenzaban a brillar, anunciando la salida de la luna llena. La ocasión le resultó sumamente espiritual, y pensó: Dios está allí; Él lo hizo.

Algunos miran el cielo nocturno y solo ven la naturaleza. Otros, un dios tan distante y frío como Júpiter. Pero el mismo Dios que «tiene su trono sobre el arco de la tierra», también «saca y cuenta su ejército de estrellas; a todas las llama por su nombre» (Isaías 40:22, 26). Conoce íntimamente su creación.

Este mismo Dios personal le preguntó a su pueblo: «¿por qué dices que tu camino está oculto para el Señor […], alegas que Dios pasa por alto tu derecho?». Dolido, les recordó cuán sabio es buscarlo: «¿Acaso no sabes, ni nunca oíste decir […]? El Señor […] da fuerzas al cansado, y aumenta el vigor del que desfallece» (vv. 27-29).

Tendemos a olvidar fácilmente a Dios. Nuestros problemas no desaparecerán con una caminata, pero sí podemos descansar y estar seguros de que el Señor obra siempre para cumplir sus buenos propósitos. Dice: «Aquí estoy; yo te hice».

Señor, ayúdame a confiar en ti para lo que no conozco.

Debemos dar a Dios el mismo lugar en nuestro corazón que tiene en el universo.

© 2016 Ministerios Nuestro Pan Diario

Unser Täglich Brot - Himmelsblick

Lesen: Jesaja 40,21-31 | Die Bibel In Einem Jahr: Hesekiel 11–13; Jakobus 1

Er ruft [die Sterne], und sie kommen hervor; jeden nennt er mit seinem Namen. Jesaja 40,26 HFA

Probleme an der Arbeit und zu Hause machten Matt zu schaffen. Deshalb beschloss er, rauszugehen und ein wenig zu laufen. Der Frühlingsabend lud förmlich dazu ein. Als der unendliche Himmel sich von Blau zu Schwarz färbte, legte sich dichter Nebel über das Land. Sterne begannen zu funkeln und den aufgehenden Mond anzukündigen. Für Matt war es ein tief spiritueller Moment. Er ist da, dachte er. Gott ist da und kann so etwas machen.

Manche Menschen sehen nichts als die Natur, wenn sie in den Abendhimmel schauen. Andere sehen einen Gott, der so kalt und fern ist wie Jupiter. Aber derselbe Gott, der „über dem Kreis der Erde“ thront, ruft auch die Sterne „alle mit Namen“ (Jes. 40,22.26). Er kennt seine Schöpfung ganz genau.

Und dieser persönliche Gott fragt sein Volk: „Warum sprichst du denn: Mein Weg ist dem Herrn verborgen, und mein Recht geht an meinem Gott vorüber?“ Weil er den Kontakt sucht, fordert er sie auf: „Weißt du nicht? Hast du nicht gehört? . . . Er gibt dem Müden Kraft und Stärke genug dem Unvermögenden“ (V.27-29).

Wir neigen schnell dazu, Gott zu vergessen. Unsere Probleme lösen sich bei einem Abendspaziergang nicht auf. Aber wir können Ruhe finden und die Gewissheit, dass Gott alles zu unserem Besten dienen lässt. „Ich bin hier“, sagt er. „Ich kenne dich mit Namen.“

Danke, Herr, für den Abendhimmel, der uns einen Blick in die Ewigkeit schenkt. Wir können es nicht begreifen, aber wir wissen, sie ist da und du bist da. Hilf uns, dir in allen Dingen zu vertrauen.

Wir sollten Gott denselben Platz in unseren Herzen einräumen, den er im Universum hat.

© 2016 Unser Täglich Brot

Хлеб наш насущный - Владыка небес

Читать сейчас: Исаия 40:21-31 | Библия за год: Иезекииль 11-13; 2 Тимофею 3

Поднимите глаза ваши на высоту небес... Кто выводит воинство их счетом? Он всех их называет по имени. — Исаия 40:26

Расстроенный неурядицами на работе и дома, Мэт решил прогуляться. Вечерний воздух приятно освежал. Бесконечное небо из синего постепенно становилось черным, над лужайкой сгущался туман. Звезды своим блеском возвестили появление на востоке полной луны. «Он здесь, – подумал Мэт, затаив дыхание, – Бог здесь и держит все это».

Некоторые люди смотрят на небо и видят только природу. Другие воспринимают Бога таким же далеким и холодным, как, скажем, Юпитер. Но тот же Бог, «Который восседает над кругом земли», также управляет звездами и «выводит воинство их счетом. Он всех их называет по имени» (Ис. 40:22, 26). Он в совершенстве знает Свое творение.

Обращаясь к Своему народу, этот Бог сказал: «Как же говоришь ты, Иаков, и высказываешь, Израиль: “Путь мой сокрыт от Господа, и дело мое забыто у Бога моего»?” Глубоко сочувствуя израильтянам, Бог напоминает им: «Разве ты не знаешь? Разве ты не слышал, что вечный Господь Бог... дает утомленному силу и изнемогшему дарует крепость» (Ис. 40:27-29).

Мы склонны забывать Бога. Проблемы порой действительно бывают серьезными. Однако мы можем найти мир и уверенность в сознании, что Бог всегда действует в нашей жизни, преследуя благие цели. «Я здесь, – говорит Он, – Я держу тебя».

Благодарим Тебя, Господь, за ночное небо – отблеск вечности. Мы не можем объять Твоего величия, но мы знаем, что Ты близок к нам. Помоги нам доверить Тебе все, чего мы не понимаем.

Нужно предоставить Богу такое место в сердце, какое Он занимает во вселенной.

© 2016 Хлеб Наш Насущный

Notre Pain Quotidien - Observateur du ciel

Lisez : Ésaïe 40.21‑31 | La Bible en un an : Ézéchiel 11 – 13 et Jacques 1

Qui fait marcher en ordre leur armée ? Il les appelle toutes par leur nom. (Ésaïe 40.26)

Bouleversé par des problèmes au bureau et à la maison, Matt a décidé d’aller faire une promenade à pied. L’air printanier parfumait la soirée. Tandis que le ciel infini passait du bleu sombre au noir, un épais brouillard s’est lentement installé. Les étoiles ont commencé à scintiller, annonçant la levée de la pleine lune à l’Est. Pour Matt, cet instant était profondément spirituel en ce sens qu’il se disait : Il est là. Dieu est là, et il veille sur tout ça. 

Certaines personnes regardent le ciel de nuit et n’y voient que la nature. D’autres y voient un dieu aussi lointain et froid que Jupiter. Reste que c’est le même Dieu qui « est assis au‑dessus du cercle de la terre », qui « a créé ces choses » et qui « les appelle toutes par leur nom » (ÉS 40.22,26). Dieu connaît intimement sa création.

C’est d’ailleurs ce Dieu personnel qui a demandé à son peuple : « Pourquoi dis‑tu, Jacob, pourquoi dis‑tu, Israël : Ma destinée est cachée devant l’Éternel, mon droit passe inaperçu devant mon Dieu ? Ne le sais‑tu pas ? ne l’as‑tu pas appris ? […] Il donne de la force à celui qui est fatigué, et il augmente la vigueur de celui qui tombe en défaillance » (V. 27‑29).

Il nous est facile d’oublier Dieu. Nos problèmes ne disparaissent pas au fil d’une promenade à pied en soirée, mais il nous est possible de trouver le repos et la certitude que Dieu oeuvre constamment pour notre bien. « Je suis là, nous dit‑il. Je veille sur toi. »

Accordons à Dieu la place qu’il occupe déjà dans l’univers.

© 2016 Ministères NPQ

Standing Strong Through the Storm - SOURCE OF PEACE

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Five Christian students were walking home from an Open Doors seminar in east Africa and passed a young Muslim man walking into the bush with a rope in his hand. He tied the rope around a tree. The students asked, “What are you doing?”

“I want to kill myself,” he replied. “Why?”

“I say my prayers five times a day and I read the Qur’an. I have money, a wife and children, but I have no peace. I want peace. That is my one big wish.”

The students applied what they have learned and witnessed to this man named Keder. They told him that the Qur’an teaches that Jesus is a prophet but He is also the Saviour of everyone who accepts Him as Lord. He is the Prince of Peace. Keder left the rope in the tree and decided to give this Saviour a try. The students took him to church and after prayer Keder said, “I’ve found the peace I was seeking.”

The following day Keder showed up at the seminar. A stranger wearing a Muslim hat scared the teacher at first but he continued. In the afternoon, Keder asked to give his testimony. “Until now, Islam was the only genuine religion for me because it was straightforward. I studied the Qur'an for five years and I did my rituals daily but none of that gave me peace. That is why I decided to kill myself. Then I met five of you Christians yesterday. I used to hate Christians, but when you witnessed and prayed for me, everything changed. Muslims are hurting without the knowledge of the Scriptures, therefore pray for them.” Keder is now secretly studying the Bible and attending church. He is the first Muslim in his area to accept Christ. His Bible study leader says that he attends regularly and arrives early to talk about Jesus before the Bible study starts. Jesus’ peace makes him unafraid and he wants to witness. He is even prepared to die for Jesus.

RESPONSE: Today I will rest in the promises of the Prince of Peace and not be fearful.

PRAYER: Pray for Muslims who are hurting from the lack of knowledge of the scriptures and the source of true peace.

Men of the Bible - Lazarus

His name means: "God Helps"

His work: Lazarus was the brother of Martha and Mary, the family who hosted Jesus in their home when he traveled through Bethany.
His character: Little is known about Lazarus other than that he was one of Jesus' close friends.
His sorrow: Lazarus had a terminal illness and eventually succumbed to it.
His triumph: Very few have had the experience of hearing Jesus' voice from the tomb. Lazarus was such a person.
Key Scriptures: John 11 

A Look at the Man

The story of Lazarus's resurrection is filled with ironies.

We know where Lazarus lived—Bethany—and the names of his two sisters—Mary and Martha—but we have no record of a single word he spoke or even a mention of what he was like. We don't know his occupation, who his parents were, or, if he was married, the names of his wife and children.

If it hadn't been for his special friendship with the Savior, Lazarus's death wouldn't even have merited a footnote in the gospel account. Yet his story is one of the most well-known in all of Scripture.

When word reached Jesus that Lazarus was deathly ill, Jesus seemed unaffected—almost cavalier—about it. Of course, people bringing bad news to Jesus would have been a nonstop event during his waking hours, but Lazarus was his friend—his good friend. Jesus suggested that he and his disciples should visit Bethany—in two days!

Like a wife kindly taking her husband aside to challenge his bad manners, we can imagine the disciples suggesting that Jesus might want to reconsider his decision. "How will this look to the family?" they may have counseled.

"I'm doing this for you," was Jesus' perplexing response.

At the same time, the disciples were not eager to travel west to Bethany. No doubt, they would have to go through Jerusalem where, just a few days before, a handful of Jewish leaders had threatened to stone Jesus. He had said, "My Father and I are one," and these people weren't willing to accommodate a man who claimed to be equal with God.

Two days later the disciples were willing to take their chances. Helping a desperate friend like Lazarus was more urgent than any danger they may have encountered. As they reached the outskirts of Bethany, first Martha and then Mary ran to meet Jesus, reporting the news he already knew. Once again Jesus did not seem eager to help—at least not within Martha and Mary's time frame.

Jesus asked where Lazarus's body was entombed and made his way to the site along with a cadre of curious—and a few cynical—onlookers. At no point in this story, however, did he seem to be in a hurry.

Soon he arrived at the cemetery. Can you envision Jesus standing in front of his friend's burial cave? It had been four days since Lazarus had died. His two sisters, now standing at Jesus' side, were in a quandary. They were hoping for a miracle, but they were just as concerned about how much their decaying brother's body would smell. The people who had come, standing behind Jesus and Lazarus's sisters, completed the picture.

Everyone stopped talking as Jesus lifted his head to the heavens to pray. "Father," he began, "I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you would. But for the benefit of these people standing here, I especially thank you for listening this time."

People shifted nervously in their places, but no one spoke. Those in the back of the crowd craned their necks to see what might happen next.

"Lazarus, come out!" Jesus said in a voice much louder than anyone had ever heard him use. The living God had just spoken. If he hadn't identified his friend by name, every crypt in the entire cemetery would have emptied.

And then Lazarus appeared. In his own time and with only the sound of his voice, the Messiah had brought a corpse to its feet.

The final irony was that the Savior raised Lazarus from the dead with his voice but didn't speak the removal of Lazarus's grave clothes. He certainly could have finished the job, but he didn't. Instead, a man wrapped tightly from head to foot stood there in front of his own burial cave—and in front of everyone. "Take off the grave clothes and let him go," Jesus ordered the gawking crowd.

The last act of this incredible miracle—the unbinding and releasing of the man—was left to his family and friends.

Reflect On: John 11:38–42
Praise God: For his resurrection power.
Offer Thanks: For God’s love for you, for calling you by name and redeeming you from darkness into the light of his glory.
Confess: Your complacency, your willingness to make the best of your “tombs” rather than daily abandoning them and walking into the light.
Ask God: To fill you with the same sense of wonder and gratitude that Lazarus felt as he stood in the mouth of his burial crypt. And ask him to show you others who need your hands to unwrap their “grave clothes.”

Girlfriends in God - Outcomes and Offerings

Today’s Truth

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV).

Friend to Friend

Isn’t it something how we may think we understand a certain truth or concept and then God drives it deeper into our souls? He is profoundly wise in the way that He teaches us the secrets of the Kingdom. He unveils truth to the degree that we’re ready to receive it, believe it, and walk in it.

I’ve recently begun to understand—on a deeper level—that though God cares about my choices, He does not owe me the outcome that I expect to result from my choices. Plain and simple, He is my master. He decides how my life will go. My efforts (in every area of life) are an offering to the Lord. They’re not a factor in an equation that guarantees a certain outcome.

Whatever we do, we must do it as unto God, trusting Him to take our offering and multiply it according to the need of the moment and according to His perfect will in His perfect time. Outcomes are in His hands.

People (including our children, spouses, friends, bosses, etc.), have a free will to choose as they will. And God, in His sovereignty works all things together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (see Romans 8:28).

Once the offering (of raising our kids, loving our spouses, serving our bosses, etc.) leaves our hands, we must remember that we cannot control the outcome. But we can rest and trust knowing that God treasures every seed we sow, every offering we bring, and every prayer that we pray.

When we even begin to think that our efforts guarantee a certain outcome in the lives of others, we put ourselves above God, for even He does not exert His will in another’s life without their invitation.

If we view our efforts as a foolproof method or formula, we may become impossibly prideful and even judgmental. For example, if we apply certain parenting principles while raising our children, and none of them go off the deep end, we’ll tend to attribute their success to our investment. We’ll wonder why others don’t just do the formula. The truth is, even our most sincere efforts fall painfully short without the Holy Spirit’s involvement in our lives.

Our whole lives are an offering. Our choices do matter. And it’s true that what we sow, we grow. But must not discount other’s free will or even the mystery and sovereignty of God. We love our kids, for the glory of God. We bless our husbands, for the glory of God. We respect our bosses for the glory of God.

If we attach an expectation to our efforts, we begin to see God as a means to an end. When in truth, He owes us nothing. But He’s offered us everything.

Please hear me clearly: it matters that we apply godly principles to raising our children. It matters that we honor the authority in our lives and that we love and respect our spouses. But if we tie a string from our efforts to the outcome we expect, we’ll either experience disappointment or we’ll take the credit for something God deserves the glory for.

I’m convinced that if we view our whole lives as an offering to God, and we trust Him to do what only He can do, we’ll actually be surprised by His divine involvement in our lives. With a humble heart and open hands, we’ll lift our arms in praise, knowing and proclaiming that every good gift comes from above.

So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession (James 1:16-18, NLT).

Let’s Pray

Father in Heaven, I humble myself before You with open hands and an expectant heart. You know the desires of my heart. You know the seeds I’ve sown. I pray You’ll move and multiply in the way that only You can. Take my offering and turn it into a miracle! But in the meantime, I bow low, I open my hands, and I trust that You are God of the harvest. You will perfect that which concerns me. You will make something beautiful of me and of my story. I love You, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn

In what ways have you sown seeds but not yet seen the harvest? (i.e. children, marriage, finances, your calling)

Faith calls for engagement and surrender calls for release; and yet we’re called to both of these simultaneously. Write out a prayer of engaged faith, and wholehearted surrender.

More from the Girlfriends

Be sure to check out Susie’s book on how to revolutionize your prayer life: Your Powerful Prayers: Reaching the Heart of God With a Bold and Humble Faith and visit her website at

Un Dia a la Vez - Oración por cambios en la vida

Me has dado a conocer la senda de la vida; me llenarás de alegría en tu presencia, y de dicha eterna a tu derecha. Salmo 16:11

Padre santo, queremos agradecerte este nuevo día y decirte que eres lo más importante para nosotros. Cada día que pasa vemos tu amor incondicional y disfrutamos de tus bendiciones.

Dios mío, gracias porque permites cambios en mi vida y conoces mi necesidad. A veces, tomo decisiones equivocadas, pero tú me guías a toda verdad.

Aunque no entendamos todo lo que nos pasa, sabemos que con tu amor nos cuidarás y nos darás nuevas oportunidades.

Ayúdame a aprender de mis errores y dame la fortaleza para superar las cosas que debo dejar y cambiar.

Entrego el resto de este día en tus manos y descanso en tu Palabra.

En el nombre de Jesús, amén y amén.

Verse of the Day - November 18, 2016

John 17:17 (NIV) Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

Read all of John 17