Friday, December 9, 2016

The Reason for Everything

By David Feddes

A number of scientists are eagerly looking for a big toe. This toe is the ultimate goal of their research and deep thinking. Why do they want a toe so badly? Well, the big toe they want isn't the kind we have on our feet. They want a really big T.O.E., a Theory of Everything. They want a theory which does more than explain various patterns of biology, chemistry, and physics. They want an overarching Theory of Everything which explains the origin of the universe, the power that keeps it going, and the point of it all.

So far they have no such theory. Science has found some patterns and equations for how certain things work, but it has no explanation for where these patterns come from or why anything exists in the first place. Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking asks, "What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?”

Hawking longs for "a complete theory... of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason--for then we would know the mind of God." Hawking is right to want to know why we and the universe exist, and he's right to suggest that it is somehow connected with the mind of God. But he's wrong if he expects to find the answer in a triumph of human reason without divine revelation. The way to know God's mind is not through coming up with our own theories and then claiming to know God's mind, but rather through listening to what God himself has said.

Has God ever stated his reason for creating the universe and for doing things the way he does? Has he identified any one thing as the reason for everything else? Indeed he has. In the Bible God says that the reason for everything is God's own glory. What is the reason for skies and stars? Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1). What is the reason for thunder and rain, donkeys and storks, grass and trees, bread and wine, rivers and mountains, lions and humans? Psalm 104 describes all these things and then says, "May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works" (104:31). What is the reason God overpowered Pharaoh and rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt? God said, "I will gain glory for myself" (Exodus 14:4). On everything God does is stamped this motto: "For my own sake, for my own sake I do this... I will not yield my glory to another" (Isaiah 48:11). At Jesus' birth the angels chanted, "Glory to God in the highest" (Luke 2:14). When Jesus did his first miracle, says the Bible, "He thus revealed his glory" (John 1:11). Shortly before Jesus death and resurrection, he said, "Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him" (John 13:32). God speaks of his children as those "whom I created for my glory" (Isaiah 43:7). He commands his people, "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). God says that in the new creation, "The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory" (Isaiah 60:19).

It doesn't take a genius to notice a pattern here. In one thing after another, God says that the reason for it is his glory. Indeed, God’s glory is the reason for everything.

Is God Self-Centered?

But isn't there a problem here? If God bases everything on his own glory, if he says, "For my own sake I do this... I will not yield my glory to another," doesn't God sound like a self-centered showoff? Yes, as a matter of fact, God is a self-centered showoff—and it’s a good thing, too! God is absolutely self-centered—and he's perfectly right to be that way. God loves to show off—and it's a good thing he does.

Let me explain. When God centers on himself and values himself above all else, he is simply giving things their proper value. If you have a pet in your home, you may like it and treasure it a great deal, but don’t you consider yourself more valuable than your pet? If you had to say who belongs at the center of your home, would it be you or your pet? Okay, okay, some pets are so demanding and some pet lovers are so fanatical that almost everything revolves around the pets. But let’s face it, any home where the pet and not the person was central would be mixed up. Now, if it's not wrong for you to think you’re worth more than a pet, it is surely not wrong for God to think he's worth more than any of us. It's just reality.

The fact that one thing is worth less than another doesn't mean it's worthless; it just means that things of greater worth should be valued more. The Lord values each sparrow, but he says that one human is worth more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:31). God also says that he himself is worth infinitely more than all humans combined (Isaiah 40:22).

It's wrong for any of us to be self-centered for the simple reason that we're not the center of the universe. But God is the center, and so it's perfectly right for him to be self-centered. It's wrong for us humans to think we're God, but it's not wrong for God to think he's God. That's who he is! God is right to be self-centered because he is the only self worth centering on.

And that brings us to another reason it's good for God to be self-centered: the effect on others. When we're self-centered and make our own desires the reason for everything we do, we damage other people. But when God is self-centered and pursues his desires, he desires others to center on his glory and relish his knowledge, his holiness, his love, his happiness. The self-centeredness of God is good for others, because he is the fountain of everyone else's good.

You and I can be truly and permanently happy only when God is central in our thoughts and supreme in our affections. In making his own glory central, God is doing what's best for us. When we center on God, we can have the same delight in him that he has in himself. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, and we are most satisfied in him when he is most glorified in us. It's an unchangeable fact that when God delights in the delight his people have in him, he is delighting in himself, for he created them with that capacity for delight and he himself is the object of their delight. It's not God's fault that he's the only infinitely glorious being that exists and the only all-satisfying fountain of happiness for others. He is who he is, and he's not going to resign or change.

Still another reason it's right for God to be self-centered is the fact that God is a Holy Trinity of three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, joined in perfect love and united as one being. When God makes God's own glory the reason for everything, it's not just as a single, solitary individual looking out for himself but as a union of three supremely perfect Persons mutually loving and enjoying and celebrating one another. The Son glorifies the Father, the Father glorifies the Son, and the Spirit glorifies both and is glorified in both. If any Person in the Holy Trinity did not prize God's glory above all things, it would be a failure to value and love the supreme perfection of the other Persons in this perfect union. The Father and the Son could never betray each other in that way, nor could the Spirit.

In short, God the Holy Trinity is right to be self-centered because God is the center, because God is the fountain of good for everything else, and because the Persons of the Trinity are faithful to one another in a bond of mutual love and happiness in one another which cannot be betrayed or broken.

A Delightful Showoff

It's right that God is self-centered, and it's good that God loves to show off. God loves to show forth his glory, not because he's vain, but because he considers it a splendid thing for other beings to enjoy him as he enjoys himself. Unlike sinful humans, God is light, and God is love. When God "shows off," he displays his light and love for others to enjoy and adore. The most loving thing God can do for anyone is to make himself their object of adoration, worship, and delight. God loves to be known and admired and enjoyed, not because he needs our worship in order to be happy but because we need to worship him in order to be happy.

Nothing God does—and certainly nothing we do—can increase or decrease the glory and happiness that God has in himself. "God is infinitely, eternally, unchangeably, and independently glorious and happy" (Jonathan Edwards).

Why did God create the world? Not out of a shortage of glory or happiness but out of a surplus. God wasn't lonely before he had people to relate to, and he wasn't bored before he had a world to deal with. How could Father, Son, and Spirit be lonely in the perfect love and understanding of the Trinity? How could boundless beauty, genius, and enjoyment ever be boring? Each Person in the Trinity is more loving and fascinating than all creation combined. Anything in creation that's loving or interesting is just a droplet from the God the Fountain, a ray from God the Sun. God created the world not because he was overcome with drudgery but because he overflowed with delight.

When God makes his glory the reason for everything, he's not trying to increase the glory that he has in himself or add to his worth. Rather, he is showing and sharing with others the glory he already has and magnifying his worth in their eyes. In a sense the Trinity is like an enormously rich, loving, perfectly happy family in which the fellowship is so fascinating and fun, and the wealth so boundless, that the members want others in the home to share that happiness.

Some things, it seems, God created simply for himself to enjoy, regardless of whether anyone else ever enjoys them. He has galaxies and quasars that even our best telescopes can't detect. He has splendid flowers flourishing in mountain meadows that no human sees. He has exotic ocean creatures darting in depths that no human will ever observe. He has birds twittering sweet songs out of range of any human ear. He has billions of fingerprints and trillions of snowflakes, all different, and he enjoys each unique pattern, though few of those patterns are seen or studied by human eyes. He has rubies and emeralds buried in places where no one but he will ever see them. God takes delight in all his works, including many that aren't perceived by humans.

God delights in many things apart from us, but he had a special delight in mind when he made humanity. He created us not only that he might enjoy us the way he enjoys the stars and flowers, fish and animals, rocks and trees which display his glory unconsciously, but that he might enjoy the worship of thinking, feeling creatures who consciously recognize, enjoy, and adore the glory, goodness, love, and happiness of the Trinity. That's why people are the crown of his creation.

That's also why, with the fall of humanity into sin, the Lord has taken astonishing measures to save many. It wasn't because any of us were worth so much in and of ourselves that Jesus died for sinners, but because God would be glorified in saving people from utter nothingness and in having a society of eternal beings to forever enjoy and exalt the glory of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The emptier we are without him, and the more delighted we are with him, the more God is glorified as the almighty, all-sufficient, all-satisfying Lord.

God Speaking to God

God's glory is his greatest passion. That's clear when we open the Bible and hear God speaking to us, and it's even clearer when we hear God speaking to God! In John 17 we overhear God the Son, Jesus Christ, speaking to God the Father, shortly before the Son’s death and resurrection that will bring eternal life to those God has chosen. Jesus says,

"Father, the time has come. Glorify your son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began... All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them...

I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them...

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me... I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

When we overhear Jesus speaking to his Father, it's clear that God's passion for his glory is the reason not only for creation but also for salvation. Jesus went to the cross so that he and his Father might glorify one another. This glory would come by canceling the sins of his chosen ones through his death and giving them eternal life through his resurrection.

And what is eternal life? Knowing God in Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart. The Spirit, says Jesus, "will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine" (John 16:14-15). Jesus leaves no doubt that his purpose is to give his people the full measure of his own divine joy, to share with them the very glory the Father has given him, and to insure that God's love will be in them and that Christ himself will be in them, as the Holy Spirit satisfies their deepest thirst, the thirst for eternal life.

Come and Drink

Now that we've heard these towering truths from God's Word, let's hear them in another form—from a children's book, The Silver Chair, one of C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. A girl named Jill was getting very thirsty when she came upon a stream.

But although the sight of the water made her feel ten times thirstier than before, she didn't rush forward and drink. She stood as still as if she had been turned into stone, with her mouth wide open. And she had a very good reason; just on this side of the stream lay the lion...

She couldn't have moved if she had tried, and she couldn't take her eyes off it. How long this lasted, she couldn't be sure; it seemed like hours. And the thirst became so bad that she almost felt she would not mind being eaten by the lion if only she could be sure of getting a mouthful of water first.

"If you're thirsty, you may drink."

For a second she stared here and there, wondering who had spoken. Then the voice said again, "If you are thirsty, come and drink." was the lion speaking... the voice was not like a man's. It was deeper, wilder, and stronger; a sort of heavy, golden voice. It did not make her any less frightened than she had been before, but it made her frightened in rather a different way.

"Are you not thirsty?" said the Lion.

"I'm dying of thirst," said Jill.

"Then drink," said the Lion.

"May I--could I--would you mind going away while I do?" said Jill.

The Lion answered this only by a look and a very low growl. And as Jill gazed at its motionless bulk, she realized that she might as well have asked the whole mountain to move aside for her convenience.

The delicious rippling of the stream was driving her near frantic.

"Will you promise not to—do anything to me, if I do come?" said Jill.

"I make no promise," said the Lion.

Jill was so thirsty now that, without noticing it, she had come a step nearer.

"Do you eat girls?" she said.

"I have swallowed up girls and boys, women and men, kings and emperors, cities and realms," said the Lion. It didn't say this as if it were boasting, nor as if it were sorry, nor as if it were angry. It just said it.

"I daren't come and drink," said Jill.

"Then you will die of thirst," said the Lion.

"Oh dear!" said Jill, coming another step nearer. "I suppose I must go and look for another stream then."

"There is no other stream," said the Lion.

It never occurred to Jill to disbelieve the Lion—no one who had seen his stern face could do that—and her mind suddenly made itself up. It was the worst thing she had ever had to do, but she went forward to the stream, knelt down, and began scooping up water in her hand. It was the coldest, most refreshing water she had ever tasted. You didn't need to drink much of it, for it quenched your thirst at once.

When C.S. Lewis wrote that, he wasn’t just telling a fun story for kids. He was giving an allegory, a deeper lesson in story form. In the Bible, Jesus is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Holy Spirit is described as living water. There is no water of life except God’s Spirit, and there is no way to drink of the Spirit outside the presence of Christ the Lion.

Are you like Jill? Is your soul thirsty? Don't think you can satisfy your soul at some other stream than the living water of God's Holy Spirit. "There is no other stream.” And if you wish to drink of that stream, you can't avoid Jesus the Lion. You can't ask him to move for your convenience so you can quench your thirst without having him around. It's easier to move a mountain than to move the divine weight of glory that is the center of gravity for the whole universe. You can't try to bargain with Jesus on your own terms. You must simply throw yourself on his mercy, to do with you as he pleases.

Whatever your misgivings, Jesus still invites you. Jesus says in Scripture, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink" (John 7:37). "Whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life" (Revelation 22:17). So drink in God's goodness by faith. Your inner thirst will be quenched, and God will be glorified in you as you are satisfied in him.

This is what the Bible calls "the good news of the glory of the happy God" (1 Timothy 1:11, literal translation), and it is the greatest news imaginable. God's aim in dealing with his people in Christ is not only to solve some problems for us but to show forth the riches of his glory. God starts this already now; he will do it more fully when we enter heaven; and he will keep increasing the flow for all eternity.

No moment will ever arrive when God says, "That's enough. These people have had enough gladness to know my full glory. I've glorified myself enough. Time to quit." No, God's infinite passion for his glory means that no outpouring, no matter how great, will ever be enough. He will keep lavishing on us more and more of his wisdom, holiness, goodness, and love, without limit. Our gladness in his glory, and his glory in our gladness, will forever keep growing and overflowing. In that flood of glory, we will know firsthand the reason for everything.

Standing Strong Through the Storm - GOD’S WORK IN CHANGING LIVES

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

The more you travel, the more you realize that God is at work changing lives all over the globe. Whether people have committed crimes against God (rebellion, blasphemy, hatred etc.) or crimes against society (murder, violence, theft etc.) or crimes against themselves (shame, guilt, despair etc.), He is able to bring about a complete transformation of their lives and fill them with His Holy Spirit.

Standing Strong Through the Storm (SSTS) teaching partner, Jim Cunningham, was sharing in a SSTS seminar with rural pastors in Colombia, South America. After the final session, Rauel (not his real name) approached Jim, almost shyly. With a warm smile and moist eyes, he extended his hand for what Jim thought was a handshake, but instead he gently offered a small piece of paper with some writing.

“For you, Santiago.”

They hugged each other. Between Rauel’s “No English” and Jim’s “No Spanish” there was an unspoken bond of Christian love. They said their “good-byes” pointing heavenward as if to say, “See you again my brother!”

Jim’s interpreter later translated the note. It read:

May the Lord bless your life and enrich your ministry. And may the angel of the Lord always encamp around you and all your family and nation. Take with you my remembrances and those of Colombia to the people of Canada.

“Do you know who Brother Rauel is?” the interpreter asked. Jim shook his head “No.” “He used to be a guerrilla leader against the government forces,” said his interpreter. “He came to faith as a follower of Jesus Christ a while back and this is his first time gathering with our pastors and leadership team. We earnestly prayed and had to have God’s peace before inviting him here.”

Jim concluded, “What an amazing story of God’s grace. God is changing hearts—one at a time. Keep praying for peace in Colombia!”

RESPONSE: Today I will praise God for His ministry in my life—and others—making changes and renewing my heart.

PRAYER: Lord, we continue to pray for peace in countries like Colombia and in the hearts of those who struggle with injustice and inequality. And make me a totally new creation, I pray.

Girlfriends in God - Speak Lord, I’m Listening

Today’s Truth

The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10, NIV).

Friend to Friend

“I can’t hear you!” I yelled downstairs to my daughter who was apparently trying to tell me something.

No matter how trivial or how urgent her message was, I could not receive it because I was in the bathroom! In order to hear my daughter’s words, either she had to move towards me or I had to move towards her.

I can’t help but think of how many times in the day God may want to speak to me, but I am just not in the right place to hear. Maybe my heart is filled with worry. Maybe I’m running from one activity to the next, filling my spare moments with texts and emails.

Maybe my posture, my heart attitude, needs to change so I can hear His voice more clearly.

Remember the story of Samuel in the Old Testament? He’s a young boy growing up in the temple under Eli’s priestly leadership. He’s in the right place to hear God’s voice (he was laying down where the ark of God was) but in 1 Samuel 3, we read he lacks experience in hearing God’s voice.

The Lord calls out to young Samuel twice but Samuel doesn’t recognize His voice. He thinks it’s Eli calling. The third time this happens, Eli realizes it’s the Lord and he instructs Samuel to enter into conversation with this voice next time.

Notice that even the elderly priest Eli was a little out of practice in recognizing the voice of God! But God didn’t give up on the conversation after the first failed attempt. He kept calling out. Samuel didn’t automatically know how to talk with God. He had to learn.

The first word the Lord says to Samuel is “See” in verse 11. Isn’t that beautiful? As we learn to hear the voice of God, we see more clearly. We see His priorities. We see His hand moving in our lives. We see His way out of difficult situations.

But what if you’re not a young boy like Samuel living in the temple? Does God still speak to us, ordinary women living in today’s world?

Yes, without a doubt, God speaks through His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17), through creation (Psalm 65:8), through the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), through spiritual leaders and teachers (1 Thessalonians 2:13), through godly counsel (Psalm 37:30-31) and more.

In the same way I needed to move closer to my daughter Noelle to hear her voice, we can move closer to God by reading His Word or seeking godly counsel.

I’m learning to say in my heart throughout the day, “Speak Lord, I’m listening.” It helps to remind me that conversation with God is a two-way street. Prayer is not just a rehearsing of my needs or even my praises, but it’s also a time of listening. May our hearts be ready - and expectant - to hear from God today.

Let’s Pray 

Dear Lord, speak to me today. I am Your servant and I am listening. I want to search for You with all my heart. I ask You to guide me with Your voice. May I have ears to hear and a heart to understand Your Word.
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn

What are ways God has spoken to you in the past? Take a few moments to be silent, asking the Lord to speak to you again today.

More from the Girlfriends

Sometimes our screens are so loud and constant, drowning out the voice of God in our lives. Learn more about how screen time is impacting your family in Arlene’s book co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman, Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World. 

Men of the Bible - Pontius Pilate

His name means: "One Armed with a Javelin"

His work: He was the Roman governor over the region of Judea.
His character: Pilate had all the trappings of power and leadership but was unwilling to exercise that influence for good.
His sorrow: He failed to stand for what was right and allowed an innocent man to go to his death.
His triumph: When Tiberius Caesar appointed Pilate governor of Judea, Pilate must have been delighted. Perhaps he thought that this was a step toward even greater authority. But his inability to lead denied him that future.
Key Scriptures: John 18

A Look at the Man

It was the ultimate paradox. Pilate was faced with two sobering options—neither would lead to a happy ending.

If he would listen to his conscience—and his wife's warning—and free Jesus, he would lose support among the religious elite. And releasing Jesus could have changed these men's verbal outcries into a physical revolt. Such an uprising would reflect poorly on his leadership. Tiberius Caesar might replace him because of such insurrection among his subjects.

But giving in to the people's demands meant that Pilate would be forced to deny his own heart. He knew Jesus was innocent. He knew that these men had arrested Jesus because of their seething jealousy over his popularity among the people. And he didn't need his wife to have a bad dream to confirm his apprehensions, but it did make things worse; now he would have to contend with her. This was Pilate's plight, but these are the predicaments of every leader—popularity or integrity, compromise or character.

As the governor of the land, Pilate certainly knew about Jesus' ministry. He may have received warnings from his own associates that Jesus was extremely popular among the people. He suspected that Jesus' message could be threatening to his regime, but he knew that Jesus' words and work were foreboding to the religious establishment. The priests and Pharisees were just jealous. They hated Jesus. But was he dangerous—worthy of capital punishment? Should Pilate sanction his execution just to appease these proud men?

Pilate's approach to this terrible dilemma was something we can understand. Once he had listened to the facts, his response was direct: "Jesus is innocent." Oh, how he hoped that approach would work and the religious leaders would shuffle out of his chambers in resignation.

When that didn't work, Pilate got philosophical. "What is truth?" he pondered aloud. Doesn't truth depend on the situation? Isn't truth sometimes true and sometimes not? Shouldn't group pressure or expediency or convenience have an effect on truth?

When Pilate saw that plain speaking and philosophy were not going to satisfy the people, he tried to dismiss himself from the responsibility of his decision by washing his hands. Then, in his final feeble attempt to assuage his guilt, he placed the blame on others. "This is your fault," he told the priests and Pharisees.

Pontius Pilate had a historic opportunity to do the right thing, but he buckled under the pressure. The heaviness of the situation forced him to acquiesce. As a result, he will forever be remembered as a defective leader, a man with no courage.

Someday Pilate would be replaced as the Roman governor of Judea. No longer would he have to deal with these tricky situations. No longer would he have to make the difficult decisions. And Pilate could continue to ignore his wife. He could even leave her and no longer deal with her opinions. But Pilate would never be able to quiet his conscience. He would never be able to escape the blood of an innocent man and the power of his own conflicted soul. A troubled heart and sleepless nights would be his lifelong companions.

Reflect On: Psalm 25
Praise God: For his mercy.
Offer Thanks: For the blood of Jesus Christ and his offer of pardon in spite of our sin and willful disobedience.
Confess: Any willingness to be swayed by the crowd to do—or think—the wrong thing, instead of doing what is right.
Ask God: To give you the courage to be faithful, to fill you with integrity and character that would be pleasing to him. Ask him to make you a worthy ambassador of his truth and his grace.

Un Dia a la Vez - Cambios repentinos

El Señor dice: «Yo te instruiré, yo te mostraré el camino que debes seguir; yo te daré consejos y velaré por ti. Salmo 32:8

Nadie en este mundo puede estar preparado para un cambio. Por lo general, las pruebas nos sorprenden y nos estremecen.

Sé que algunos atraviesan cambios que nunca esperaron, y en vez de acordarse de Dios y saber que Él tiene el control, maldicen su propia vida y ponen a Dios como el malo.

Quiero que sepas que no todos los cambios vienen de Dios, ni del enemigo, aunque hay quienes piensan que es por mala suerte.

Muchas veces somos nosotros mismos lo que propiciamos esos cambios. Si se trata del trabajo, quizá se debiera a que no hacíamos al cien por cien lo que se nos mandaba. En ocasiones, tenemos actitudes que perjudican nuestra situación laboral, así que caemos en chismes, malas reacciones, incumplimiento y todo eso afecta.

Al nivel de la iglesia, se reflejan esas mismas actitudes. No hay sencillez, sino rebeldía de querer hacer lo que se nos da la gana. Olvidamos que si estamos en un ministerio, nos debemos a ellos en honrar, sujetarnos y simplemente servir.

Reflexionemos, pues, y hagamos una evaluación de cómo somos y en qué esferas necesitamos cambiar.

Verse of the Day - December 09, 2016

John 15:5,8 (NIV) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Read all of John 15

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