Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Night Light for Couples - Love By Serving

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” John 13:14

Husband, we’re speaking especially to you tonight. Just as selfishness is a sure marriage killer, an attitude of service and sacrifice—the “I’m Third” philosophy—is an indisputable marriage builder. We urge you to study your wife. What is it that speaks to her heart?

Are you providing that for her? Would she appreciate help with the dishes, vacuuming, or changing the baby’s diaper? Should you be more romantic? Could you put off that weekend auto show so she can visit her sister? Maybe you’d rather go fishing on Saturday, but should you watch the kids instead so your wife can have a needed day out?

Jesus gave us a classic example of service when He washed His disciples’ feet and told them to do the same for one another. Is it time for some symbolic “foot washing” in your marriage? Women are romantic creatures. God made them that way. Have you tried to understand that tender nature and sought to meet the needs it expresses?

Here’s the personal payoff: If you as a husband will address this romantic longing, your wife, being a responder, will be drawn closer to you. You’ll get the kind of attention and admiration you hope for. Try it!

Just between us…
  • (husband) When have I done a good job of “foot washing” in our marriage?
  • (husband) Do you feel I understand your romantic nature? Why or why not?
  • (husband) Have I met your needs during the past week?
  • (husband) Dear Lord, I want to become an expert at meeting my wife’s needs.
Teach me to “wash her feet” and serve my way to a great marriage. Amen.

From Night Light For Couples, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.

It's Time for Rest

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. — Genesis 2:3

If the devil can’t make us bad, his next trick is to burn us out.

I truly believe the cry of every woman’s heart is to be still, but we don’t know how to stop being busy.

Our soul longs for a moment of silence. I think that is why spas and yoga classes have become so popular; we women are so desperate for a moment of stillness that we are willing to pay for it.

Watch today’s video and review the list below, and give your soul a rest:

Watch this week's video by clicking on the image below.

Here are a few things to help us be still...

...Take a 10 minute break—be still and listen to your favorite worship songs and soak in His presence
...Take a 30 minute fast from your electronics every day by turning off your phone, television and computer 
...Pray and ask God to quiet your spirit and help you to be still. Remember, Scripture says: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27 NIV)
God's Letter to You

My Princess Warrior,

I long to be closer to you. I’m never too busy for you, My beloved. If you will turn off the things around you that drown Me out of your daily life, you will begin to hear Me in your spirit. When you don’t know where to go, you will hear Me give you divine direction. When you are in need of a friend, you will hear Me whisper, “I am here.” When you need comfort, you will hear Me call to you, “Come to Me.” Don’t let your agenda distract you from time with Me. Quiet your spirit. Know that I am your heavenly Father and you are My precious daughter—and I love when you crave time to be still with Me.

Your King and the Voice of heaven

My Prayer for You
I pray in Jesus' name that you will be refreshed by His love, and learn to lay your burdens at His feet. I pray that you will stand on His promises and find rest in knowing your God will take care of you. I pray you will allow Him to comfort and restore you from the inside out. May you have the peace of knowing that the Creator of everything loves you. May you be strengthened in Him so that you will be ready to fight any battle you may face. In Jesus name, Amen.

For more about Sheri Rose's ministry, visit HisPrincess.com.

Why Your Way Isn’t Working

by Pastor Rick Warren

Why is it so hard for us to admit that our way isn’t working? 

“When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.’” (Luke 5:4-5 NIV)

The Bible says in Luke 5:4-5, “When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets’” (NIV).

Think about how hard it must have been for Simon Peter to admit failure to Jesus. He was a professional fisherman, and he was good at it. It was how he made his living. But sometimes even the pros fish all night and catch nothing.

These are good guys, and they’re doing their best. But sometimes our best is not good enough, and sometimes there are situations that are out of our control. You can’t control the economy. You can’t control the weather. You can’t control a lot of things in life that will affect your life. You may have tried so hard but it just doesn’t seem to make any difference and you don’t have much to show for it.

What do you need to do? First, you need to get Jesus in your boat. In other words, let him be the center of your job. Second, you admit that your way isn’t working. The Bible calls it confession, and it can be tough.

Why is it so hard for us to admit our way isn’t working?

Pride. You don’t want anybody to think you can’t handle it. You’re in charge. You’ve got it all together. You think you can handle everything by yourself, even if it means working 12 hours a day.

Stubbornness. You’re unwilling to change the way you’re doing things. Did you know the greatest enemy of tomorrow’s success is yesterday’s success?

Fear. You can’t admit you’ve fished all night and caught nothing. You’re afraid that people will think less of you. You’re afraid to get Jesus into your boat because he’ll steer it in a direction you don’t want to go.

You may be doing your best in your job but just don’t seem to have much to show for it. You need to let go of your pride, stubbornness, and fear so that Jesus can take your boat and fill it to overflowing.

Talk It Over
  • How have you let pride, stubbornness, or fear keep you from admitting to God that you need him at the center of your career?
  • What is it that you want God to accomplish through you in your career? Are you willing to give him control?
  • Describe what confession looks like to you.
Special Offer: God’s Power to Change Your Life Hardback Book

Purchase Series: When You're Hoping for a Miracle Complete Audio Series

This devotional © 2016 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

His Princess Every Day - Walk the Road to Life

Devotionals for Women - Inspirational author and speaker Sheri Rose Shepherd imagines what a letter written from God to you would look like.

There will always be two roads before you, My love. The popular road is easy, its bumps worn smooth by the wandering crowds. This road appears safe simply because so many have already ventured around its curves and shuffled down into its valleys. What the crowds don’t understand is that this road is filled with regret and guilt, and it ultimately leads to death. This is the road that leads away from Me, your King. If you find yourself on the wrong path, don’t lose heart--just cry out to Me and I will find you. I won’t join you on this destructive detour, but I will lead you back to the road that leads to life again--the road your feet were created to walk on. Throughout My Word you will find signposts that will give you wisdom and direction. So keep reading and walking, My princess, and you will begin to discover the real joy of the journey of life.

Your King and the Way, the Truth, and the Life

“Be careful to obey all the commands I give you; show love to the Lord your God by walking in His ways and clinging to Him.” - Deuteronomy 11:22

This devotional is written by Sheri Rose Shepherd. All content copyright Sheri Rose Shepherd 2015. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Visit HisPrincess.com for devotionals, books, videos, and more from Sheri Rose Shepherd.

Chocolate For Your Soul with Sheri Rose Shepherd - Embracing Discomfort

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! — Deuteronomy 30:19

I used to feel angry with God for allowing me to grow up in such a dysfunctional home. Why hadn’t He put me in a family that lived together peacefully? Why did He let me cry myself to sleep at night while my parents screamed at each other in the other room? Why did other little girls have parents who loved each other and got along?

I don’t think it was God’s will that my parents fought or that their marriage ended in divorce. But today I realize that my past pain and my parents’ marital problems do not have to determine my future. If everything in my life had gone the way I wanted it to, I might not have such passion for my God-given call as a Christian speaker and author. I might not have compassion for those who have walked through similar trials in this life.

He has used my painful past to make me passionate for peace in my own family now. He has used my parents’ divorce to compel me to stay married when I was tempted to give up in tough times. He has used my poor choices to take drugs by giving me courage to speak to young people about how to live for God. My battle with bulimia drove me to write a bestselling book, that helps girls and women break free from that bondage.

I know many times life does not seem fair or just. I wish I could give you a reason for every sad and awful thing that happens on this earth. I wish I could pray away all the pain this life brings. What I do know, according to the Word of God, is that we are in a spiritual war and there are souls to be won!

Our God can take any part of our lives, good or bad, and use it for his Glory. We can be a trophy of His grace, forgiveness, and mercy for the world to see.

Today is a perfect day for your new life to begin, you are only one choice away from a beautiful break through!

God's Letter to You

I believe if The Lord was going to write you a personal letter about battles this life brings it may read like this....

My Princess Warrior,

I will make you a Hero of the faith if you chose to live for me. Every tough choice you make to obey Me will become a foundation of faith your family.. Your commitment to my call will crave character in the next generation. Every prayer you pray will become a blessing passed down.

Your and courage will continue to bring comfort to many during their difficult times. Your trust in Me will remain in others who watched you walk in peace. I, your God, declare on this day that your children’s children will be forever blessed because you lived your life for an audience of One . . . Me!

Your King Who Gives You Life

Treasure of Truth

Happy are those who delight in doing what he commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. They themselves will be wealthy, and their good deeds will never be forgotten. — Psalm 112:1–3

Standing Strong Through the Storm - THE POOR IN SPIRIT

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3 (NIV)

Acknowledging our poverty in spirit is humility. It occurs when a man or woman realizes his or her own utter lack of resources to meet life and finds his or her strength in God. Such an attitude leads one away from attachment to things to attachment to God and heaven. The word for poor here means absolute, abject poverty. We can thus paraphrase the first Beatitude this way:

Blessed are those who have realized their own utter helplessness and inadequacy and who have put their whole trust in God. Such a person will humbly accept the will of God and thus become a citizen of the kingdom.

Christians especially in countries like Pakistan find this a great comfort, for the majority of them are road sweepers and do menial jobs that others will not do. They are denied better jobs often because they are illiterate. Their children have no access to higher education and so the cycle of poverty continues with little hope of a break. Surely this message is also for them. As they put their complete trust and hope in the Lord, they are assured of a place in the Kingdom of God.

A Chinese Christian woman, a leader in her church, was arrested and put in prison. Led of the Lord, she volunteered to do hard labor, cleaning the filthy prison cells on her knees. This humble work gave her opportunity to sing and share Jesus with the prisoners in each cell. Through her words and actions many prisoners came to know the Lord in a personal relationship.

RESPONSE: Today I acknowledge my helplessness and inadequacy and place my complete trust in God.

PRAYER: Lord, help me express true humility in practical ways today and show that my trust is in You alone.

Girlfriends in God - How to Know When to Go

Today’s Truth

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. (Proverbs 19:21, ESV)

Friend to Friend

Ants have been known to ruin a picnic or two, but recently they messed up my beach time and flustered my heart.

Yeah. I know. God made ants to live on the earth and we have to share space. But I just wasn’t prepared for my first afternoon away from home to be altered by the annoyance of their small yet mighty presence.

I’d really been looking forward to vacation and wanted to relax. To sit by the shoreline, chill out, and soak in the sun with my people. I wanted to enjoy the presence of God in the glory of His creation, not flick uninvited ants away from my towel and off my legs.

No rest was happening because it seemed that all of the ants in America had arranged a massive dance party on the East Coast and had failed to inform me ahead of time.

I had to leave. The ants didn’t want me to join their beach party and I didn’t want to be there. I walked away disappointed and threw a little tantrum in my head. Why should I have to leave? I’m the human here! Ants are supposed to hang out in the dirt, not the sand!

So I adjusted my plans and went to the pool instead.

There are times in life when things don’t work out as planned. Times when our expectations go unmet and we have to move on or make major adjustments. You might feel like you are spinning your wheels in a relationship. Maybe you haven’t moved on from something because you don’t like to quit - even though your time and energy might be more effectively spent elsewhere.

I don't know the particulars of your unmet expectations and beach-ant frustrations, but God does. Even if you haven’t talked with Him about them yet. And you’re not alone. We all have to wade through cloudy waters at times.

The Apostle Paul continually found himself in situations that were uncomfortable and frustrating. He was re-routed many times as he was rejected, thrown out of towns, beaten, and jailed. The Lord kept him from going to certain areas and led him in his journeys. (Acts 16:6) Through it all, Paul yielded his days to God’s leading. And that’s what I want to do.

We can't change hearts or make people do what we want them to do. Yes, God may have called you to a ministry, a person’s life, etc. for a season of time, but that doesn’t mean you will stay on that beach forever.

Proverbs 19:21 (ESV) says, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

So how can we know when to stay and when to go? How can we know whether we should say yes or no to that opportunity? How can we know when our uncomfortable situation is to refine us, to rebuke us or to re-route us?

There’s no simple answer, but there is a simple action: PRAY. Christians don’t have a crystal ball that shows us our future, but we do have access to God who delights to inform and lead His children.

Ask God for direction. Be still before Him and listen. Be faithful to go where He leads… even if it means that you need to change your plans, your attitude, your location or vocation.

Let’s Pray

Dear God, Please forgive me for the times when I am stubborn and unmovable. I want to go where You lead. Please direct my steps and help me to know what to do next about _______________ .
In Jesus’s Name I pray,

Now It’s Your Turn

Proverbs 11: 14 (NASB) says, “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.” Are you applying this principle in your life? What godly people do you go to when you need advice and prayer?

More from the Girlfriends

Gwen Smith’s new book, I Want It ALL, gives you practical help that will connect your struggles to the solutions and strength of God found in the Bible. Order yours today from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ChristianBook.com or your favorite retailer. For a signed copy, get yours from the store on Gwen’s website!

Stay up with Gwen on her blog, and connect with her on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070

Verse of the Day - July 12, 2016

Matthew 4:4 (NIV) Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Read all of Matthew 4