Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Daily Readings for THURSDAY, December 8, 2016

First Reading:
From the Old Testament

In the days of Ahaz son of Jotham son of Uzziah, king of Judah, King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah son of Remaliah of Israel went up to attack Jerusalem, but could not mount an attack against it. When the house of David heard that Aram had allied itself with Ephraim, the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind. Then the LORD said to Isaiah, Go out to meet Ahaz, you and your son Shear-jashub, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool on the highway to the Fuller's Field, and say to him, Take heed, be quiet, do not fear, and do not let your heart be faint because of these two smoldering stumps of firebrands, because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and the son of Remaliah. Because Aram-- with Ephraim and the son of Remaliah-- has plotted evil against you, saying, Let us go up against Judah and cut off Jerusalem and conquer it for ourselves and make the son of Tabeel king in it; therefore thus says the Lord GOD: It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass. For the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin. (Within sixty-five years Ephraim will be shattered, no longer a people.) The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. If you do not stand firm in faith, you shall not stand at all. (Isaiah 7:1-9, NRSV)

Second Reading:
From the Epistles

As to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we beg you, brothers and sisters, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as though from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord is already here. Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one destined for destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, declaring himself to be God. Do you not remember that I told you these things when I was still with you? And you know what is now restraining him, so that he may be revealed when his time comes. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but only until the one who now restrains it is removed. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of his mouth, annihilating him by the manifestation of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion, leading them to believe what is false, so that all who have not believed the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, NRSV)

The Holy Gospel:
According to St Luke, the 22nd Chapter

Now the festival of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was near. The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to put Jesus to death, for they were afraid of the people. Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was one of the twelve; he went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers of the temple police about how he might betray him to them. They were greatly pleased and agreed to give him money. So he consented and began to look for an opportunity to betray him to them when no crowd was present. Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. So Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the Passover meal for us that we may eat it." They asked him, "Where do you want us to make preparations for it?" "Listen," he said to them, "when you have entered the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you; follow him into the house he enters and say to the owner of the house, 'The teacher asks you, "Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"' He will show you a large room upstairs, already furnished. Make preparations for us there." So they went and found everything as he had told them; and they prepared the Passover meal. (Luke 22:1-13)

Morning Psalms

Psalm 37: Part I Noli aemulari
1   Do not fret yourself because of evildoers; do not be jealous of those who do wrong.
2   For they shall soon wither like the grass, and like the green grass fade away.
3   Put your trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and feed on its riches.
4   Take delight in the LORD, and he shall give you your heart's desire.
5   Commit your way to the LORD and put your trust in him, and he will bring it to pass.
6   He will make your righteousness as clear as the light and your just dealing as the noonday.
7   Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him.
8   Do not fret yourself over the one who prospers, the one who succeeds in evil schemes.
9   Refrain from anger, leave rage alone; do not fret yourself; it leads only to evil.
10   For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait upon the LORD shall possess the land.
11   In a little while the wicked shall be no more; you shall search out their place, but they will not be there.
12   But the lowly shall possess the land; they will delight in abundance of peace.
13   The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash at them with their teeth.
14   The Lord laughs at the wicked, because he sees that their day will come.
15   The wicked draw their sword and bend their bow to strike down the poor and needy, to slaughter those who are upright in their ways.
16   Their sword shall go through their own heart, and their bow shall be broken.
17   The little that the righteous has is better than great riches of the wicked.
18   For the power of the wicked shall be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous.

Evening Psalms

Psalm 37: Part II Novit Dominus
19   The LORD cares for the lives of the godly, and their inheritance shall last for ever.
20   They shall not be ashamed in bad times, and in days of famine they shall have enough.
21   As for the wicked, they shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD, like the glory of the meadows, shall vanish; they shall vanish like smoke.
22   The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous are generous in giving.
23   Those who are blessed by God shall possess the land, but those who are cursed by him shall be destroyed.
24   Our steps are directed by the LORD; he strengthens those in whose way he delights.
25   If they stumble, they shall not fall headlong, for the LORD holds them by the hand.
26   I have been young and now I am old, but never have I seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging bread.
27   The righteous are always generous in their lending, and their children shall be a blessing.
28   Turn from evil, and do good, and dwell in the land for ever.
29   For the LORD loves justice; he does not forsake his faithful ones.
30   They shall be kept safe for ever, but the offspring of the wicked shall be destroyed.
31   The righteous shall possess the land and dwell in it for ever.
32   The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and their tongue speaks what is right.
33   The law of their God is in their heart, and their footsteps shall not falter.
34   The wicked spy on the righteous and seek occasion to kill them.
35   The LORD will not abandon them to their hand, nor let them be found guilty when brought to trial.
36   Wait upon the LORD and keep his way; he will raise you up to possess the land, and when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.
37   I have seen the wicked in their arrogance, flourishing like a tree in full leaf.
38   I went by, and behold, they were not there; I searched for them, but they could not be found.
39   Mark those who are honest; observe the upright; for there is a future for the peaceable.
40   Transgressors shall be destroyed, one and all; the future of the wicked is cut off.
41   But the deliverance of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.
42   The LORD will help them and rescue them; he will rescue them from the wicked and deliver them, because they seek refuge in him.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The New Revised Standard Version Bible may be quoted and/or reprinted up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of the publisher, provided the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the Bible or account for fifty percent (50%) of the total work in which they are quoted.

The Daily Meditation for THURSDAY, December 8, 2016

From Forward Day By Day
Written by Hugo Olaiz

Luke 22:2 (NRSV) The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to put Jesus to death, for they were afraid of the people.

This chapter of Luke presents opposing preparations. We may not realize it, but in the less dramatic settings and less renowned actors of our own lives, opposing forces play out all the time.

I live near Cincinnati, where many people are destroying their bodies with dangerous drugs—prescription medications and street drugs. At the same time, successful programs exist to help people overcome their addictions (in fact, a chapter of Narcotics Anonymous meets in my church).

In the Cincinnati neighborhood of Price Hill, thousands of at-risk children and youth face uncertain futures. But hopeful programs abound, like Music for Youth, which recruits minority children into an intense music theory program that teaches them how to play instruments.

Do you see forces of good and evil playing out in your community? In yourself?

Join more than a half million readers worldwide who use Forward Day by Day as a resource for daily prayer and Bible study.

Our Daily Bread - Surround Sound

Read: Nehemiah 12:27–43 | Bible in a Year: Daniel 8–10; 3 John

The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away. Nehemiah 12:43

Walt Disney Studios was the first to introduce a new concept in listening to movies. It was called “stereophonic sound” or surround sound, and it was developed because producers wanted the movie-going audience to hear the music in a new way.

But this wasn’t the first use of “surround sound.” Thousands of years earlier, Nehemiah introduced the idea at the dedication of the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem. “I had the leaders of Judah go up on top of the wall,” he explained. “I also assigned two large choirs to give thanks” (Neh. 12:31). The two choirs began at the southern part of the wall, at the Dung Gate. One went to the left, one went to the right, and they surrounded the city of Jerusalem in praise as they marched toward the temple (vv. 31, 37–40).

The choirs led the people in rejoicing because “God had given them great joy” (v. 43). In fact, their rejoicing “could be heard far away” (v. 43).

Their praise resulted from God’s help as the people overcame the opposition of enemies like Sanballat and rebuilt the wall. What has God given us that causes our joy to overflow into praise? God’s clear direction in our lives? The comfort He alone can provide in times of trouble? Or our ultimate gift: salvation?

Perhaps we can’t create “surround sound” with our praise, but we can rejoice in the joy God has given us. Then others can hear us praise God and see how He works.

We praise You, O Lord—with words, with song, and with our lives. We offer You our hearts in response to Your great power, loving provision, and constant care.

We can never praise Jesus too much!

© 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Nuestro Pan Diario - Sonido envolvente

Leer: Nehemías 12:27-43 | La Biblia en un año: 3 Juan

… el alborozo de Jerusalén fue oído desde lejos (Nehemías 12:43).

W alt Disney Studios fue el primero en implementar un nuevo concepto de sonido para películas: el sonido estereofónico o envolvente. Se desarrolló porque los productores querían que el público escuchara la música de una manera novedosa.

No obstante, esta no fue la primera vez que se usó sonido envolvente. Miles de años antes, Nehemías incorporó la idea en la dedicación de los muros reconstruidos de Jerusalén: «hice subir a los principales de Judá sobre la muralla y puse dos grandes coros de acción de gracias» (Nehemías 12:31 rva). Uno iba cantando hacia la izquierda y el otro hacia la derecha, rodeando la ciudad de Jerusalén con alabanzas mientras marchaban al templo (vv. 31, 37-40) y guiaban al pueblo que se regocijaba «porque Dios les había dado gran alegría» (v. 43); de este modo, «se oía desde lejos» (v. 43).

¿Qué nos ha dado Dios que nos haga rebosar de alabanzas? ¿Una dirección clara, el consuelo que solo Él puede dar, el supremo regalo de la salvación?

Quizá no podamos generar un sonido envolvente con nuestra alabanza, pero sí tener gran alegría por lo que Dios nos ha dado. Entonces, otros podrán escucharnos y ver cómo obra el Señor en nuestra vida.

Señor, te alabamos con palabras, con acciones y con nuestra vida por tu gran poder, provisión amorosa y cuidado constante.

¡Es imposible excederse en alabanzas a Dios!

© 2016 Ministerios Nuestro Pan Diario

Unser Täglich Brot - Stereo

Lesen: Nehemia 12,27-43 | Die Bibel In Einem Jahr: Daniel 8–10; 3.Johannes

Und man hörte die Freude Jerusalems schon von ferne. (Nehemia 12,43)

Die Walt Disney-Studios waren die ersten, die den Kinobesuchern die Filmmusik in einer neuen Hörqualität anboten. Man nannte sie „Stereophonie“.

Doch das war nicht die erste „Rundumbeschallung“ der Geschichte. Ein paar tausend Jahre früher nutzte Nehemia die Technik bereits bei der Einweihung der wieder aufgebauten Stadtmauer von Jerusalem. „Ich ließ die Oberen von Juda oben auf die Mauer steigen“, erklärte er, „und stellte zwei große Dankchöre auf“ (Neh. 12,31). Die Chöre starteten beim Misttor. Der eine ging nach links, der andere nach rechts und so umzogen sie die Stadt auf dem Weg zum Tempel mit Lobgesang (V.31.37-40).

Die Chöre sangen, denn „Gott hatte ihnen eine große Freude gegeben“ (V.43). Ja, man „hörte die Freude Jerusalems schon von ferne“ (V.43).

Sie lobten Gott, weil er ihnen geholfen hatte, den Widerstand von Feinden wie Sanballat zu überwinden und die Mauer wiederaufzubauen. Was hat Gott uns gegeben, das unsere Freude überfließen lässt? Klare Wegweisung für unser Leben? Trost, wie nur er ihn geben kann in Zeiten der Not? Oder das größte Geschenk—die Erlösung?

Vielleicht können wir unser Lob nicht „in Stereo“ singen. Aber auch wir können dankbar sein für die „große Freude“, die Gott uns gegeben hat. Dann können andere unser Lob hören und sehen, wie er in unserem Leben wirkt.

Wir loben dich, o Herr—mit Worten, Liedern und mit unserem Leben. Wir bringen dir unser Herz aus Dank für deine große Macht, deine Liebe und treue Zuwendung.

Wir können Gott gar nicht genug loben!

© 2016 Unser Täglich Brot

Хлеб наш насущный - Звук вокруг

Читать сейчас: Неемия 12:27-43 | Библия за год: Даниил 8-10; Евреям 12

И веселье Иерусалима далеко было слышно. — Неемия 12:43

Студия Уолта Диснея первой представила новый подход к звуковому оформлению своих фильмов. Его назвали «звук вокруг». Технология была разработана для того, чтобы достичь наибольшего погружения зрителей в атмосферу фильма.

Но это было не первое применение технологии «звук вокруг». За несколько тысяч лет до этого Неемия воплотил эту идею во время освящения восстановленной стены Иерусалима. «Тогда я повел начальствующих в Иудее на стену и поставил два больших хора для шествия», – рассказывает он (Неем. 12:31). Два хора начали шествие с южной части стены. Один пошел по левой стороне, другой – по правой. Так они обошли город Иерусалим, хваля Бога и направляясь к храму (Неем. 12:31, 37-40).

За хорами шествовал ликующий народ, «потому что Бог дал им великую радость» (Неем. 12:43). «И веселье Иерусалима далеко было слышно» (Неем. 12:43).

Причиной радости стала Божья помощь в победе над противниками и восстановлении стены. А что Бог дал нам, что побуждает к радости и хвале? Он руководил нашей жизнью? Он утешал нас во времена невзгод? Или нам следует прежде всего благодарить Его за величайший дар – спасение?

Скорее всего, мы не сможем создать эффект «звук вокруг» своим хвалением, но и мы можем радоваться «великой радостью» о том, что даровал нам Господь. Тогда окружающие услышат нашу хвалу и увидят, как Он действует в нашей жизни.

Мы славим Тебя, Господь, словами, песнями и жизнью. Возносим к Тебе наши сердца в ответ на Твою великую силу, обильные благословения и постоянную заботу.

Переусердствовать в хвале Богу невозможно.

© 2016 Хлеб Наш Насущный

Notre Pain Quotidien - Le son multicanal

Lisez : Néhémie 12.27‑43 | La Bible en un an : Daniel 8 – 10 et 3 Jean

[Les] cris de joie de Jérusalem furent entendus au loin. (Néhémie 12:43)

Les studios Walt Disney ont été les premiers à présenter un nouveau concept d’écoute cinématographique. On l’appelait « son stéréophonique » ou « son multicanal », et on l’a développé parce que des producteurs désiraient que les cinéphiles entendent la musique d’une nouvelle façon.

Ce n’est toutefois pas la première utilisation ayant été faite du « son multicanal ». Des milliers d’années auparavant, Néhémie en avait présenté l’idée lors de la dédicace de la muraille de Jérusalem : « Je fis monter sur la muraille les chefs de Juda, et je formai deux grands choeurs. Le premier se mit en marche du côté droit sur la muraille » (V. 31). À la porte du fumier, au sud, et les choeurs sont allés chacun de son côté, pour entourer Jérusalem de louanges en direction du Temple (V. 31,37‑40).

Ils ont amené les Juifs à se réjouir, car « Dieu avait donné au peuple un grand sujet de joie » (V. 43), dont les cris « furent entendus au loin » (V. 43).

Leurs louanges étaient issues de l’aide que Dieu leur avait procurée pour vaincre leurs ennemis, comme Sanballat, et pour rebâtir la muraille. Qu’est‑ce que Dieu nous a donné pour que nous éclations de joie en louanges ? Une direction claire pour notre vie ? Le réconfort que lui seul peut nous apporter dans la tempête ? Ou encore, notre don ultime : le salut ?

Il se peut que nous ne puissions pas produire de « son multicanal » par nos louanges, mais nous avons « un grand sujet de joie » de la part de Dieu, témoignant ainsi de l’oeuvre que Dieu accomplit en nous.

Nous ne saurions jamais trop louer Jésus.

© 2016 Ministères NPQ

Standing Strong Through the Storm - LOSE THE FEAR OF DYING

We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8

Our Open Doors colleague, Ron Boyd-MacMillan, shares the following insight from his teaching, “Why I Need to Encounter the Persecuted Church.”

There is a famous book called The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker. It is his contention that the whole of the western world is really a gigantic playground to distract us from ever facing the fact that we will all die! Thinking about death is all but forbidden. Preparing for it is seen as a sign of morbidity. We arrange for the elderly to die out of sight in hostels and hospitals. And huge multinational companies produce products that promise to keep the effects of aging at bay.

Inevitably, when we are too scared to face death we end up being a slave to it. Even Christians can show the same dread of it as others. But an encounter with the persecuted can go a long way to diffusing this sense of dread.

Over twenty years of reporting on the suffering church, I have interviewed literally hundreds of Christians who thought they were going to die for their faith. All of them—and I really do mean all of themexhibited two amazing characteristics: they experienced unspeakable peace and joy in the midst of the pain as they began to feel death draw near; and they were as surprised as anyone that they were not afraid of death at the time.

Take Pastor You Yong, kidnapped by Islamic extremists from his church outside Madiun, central Java in December 2001. Furious that his church was full of Muslim converts, the extremists showered him with questions, trying to provoke him to attack them. They beat him and finally held a long machete to his throat. He assumed he was about to die. But what was going on inside Pastor You? Deeper than all the pain or fear? This is how he put it. “I was amazed that throughout the ordeal I felt an incredible peace. I was also amazed at the answers I was able to give them. That verse came true—‘when you are brought to trial, do not worry about what to say, for when the time comes, you will be given what to say’ (Mt 10:19). The more they tried to provoke me, the more peace I felt.”

And so when death reaches out its icy hand even in more everyday ways—when the plane hits an air pocket, or the results of the suspected cancer scan are due—I remember the experiences of my persecuted friends and I am strengthened to think, If they have been where I am about to go, and still testify that Jesus gives unaccountable peace, well, it is no tragedy to tread this well-worn path. Their experiences in the face of death help to take the dread away.

Of course, I know all this from the Bible, where Paul says that to be with Christ is “far better.” And I have read that wonderful passage in Acts seven when Stephen has the face of an angel when he is stoned to death. But the truth comes with more power when a flesh-and-blood person who has faced death puts their arms around you and says, “You will have peace, and Jesus will be with you in the midst of it all.” Death just cannot be that bad if Jesus is that great!

RESPONSE: Today I will live in the peace of God that takes away the fear of dying.

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for the encouragement of the persecuted to trust You in life and death.

Girlfriends in God - Don’t Stop Too Soon

Today’s Truth

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10:35-36 NIV).

Friend to Friend

Can I make a confession? Sometimes I quit too soon. I’ve quit when what I really needed to do was to press on and press through. Sometimes I’ve gotten tired of trying. Sometimes I’ve gotten tired of the struggle. And you know what? I’ve missed many blessings because I got tired of the battle. I don’t want to do that any longer. I’m taking my cues from Joshua.

The battle plan to take the Promised Land was as simple as it was strange. March around the city of Jericho with all the armed men. Do this in silence, once a day for six days. Then on the seventh day, walk around seven times with the priests blowing the trumpets. Have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go straight in.

Now, that was a strange plan. God’s infinite ways often don’t make sense in our finite minds. Sometimes you have to be willing to look ridiculous and be radical to live a remarkable life. The choices you make when you feel God’s nudge will become the hinges on which your destiny swings. Each individual decision you make, to obey or ignore God’s promptings and directives, is a thread that weaves the tapestry of your life.

Jericho was tightly shut up. Sometimes it can feel that our promises are tightly shut up. That doesn’t mean that we give up. That means that we suit up, step up, and keep moving forward.

God said, “See, I have delivered them into your hands.” Notice that verb tense. God did not say, “I will deliver them into your hands.” He said, “I have delivered them into your hands.” He had already done it, but they had to obey and put their foot down to receive it. I love how God speaks in past tense to our present problems.

But here’s the conundrum: What do you do when what God says doesn’t match up with what you see? When all you see is a big wall standing between your promise and your present situation?

There will be times when you are doing everything you know to do, and you still don’t see any movement. The Israelites walked around Jericho for six days, and as far as they could tell, nothing happened. I’m sure it unnerved the people behind the wall, but as far as the walkers could tell, not one brick fell.

This is where many give up—when they don’t see any progress. The son is still taking drugs. The daughter is still living with her boyfriend. The husband is still cold and aloof. The bank account is still hovering on in double digits.

“God, throw me a bone,” I cry. “Show me a little something! Let me see just a hint of progress! Can I see one brick fall?” And God says, “Keep walking … by faith.”

Just because you don’t see God working does not mean that He isn’t. Jesus said, “My Father is always at work” (John 5:17). The writer of Hebrews notes: “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10:35).

Today, you might be on lap number seven and not even know it. Joshua told them to march around Jericho, but he didn’t tell them how many times they were going to have to do it. He just said to “march forward” and “remain silent.”

Supposed they had stopped on day six saying, “This is ridiculous. I’m not feelin’ it. Not one stone has fallen to the ground. I don’t see any progress. Those folks are probably in there laughing their heads off. I’m going home.”

They would have missed the blessing.

I wonder how many times I have missed the blessing because I stopped too soon. Perhaps you’ve wondered:
  • How much longer will I have to wait until God brings my prodigal home?
  • How much longer will I have to struggle with this unbelieving husband?
  • How much longer will I have to endure this dead-end job?
  • How much longer will I have to go without a job?
  • How many more laps will I have to walk around Jericho before the walls come tumbling down and I can take hold of my Promised Land?
I don’t know the answer to the question of how much longer, but I do know this, tomorrow could be the final lap. Don’t give up too soon.

Can I tell you something? Sometimes I get tired of writing books, posting devotions, and crafting blogs. But as I sit down to the keyboard, I realize that something I say might be just what someone needs to take that last lap around her walled up promise. So I write. And then someone has the courage and sustenance to take one more lap.

Keep going, my friend!

Let’s Pray

Lord, sometimes I just get tired of trying. Tired of hanging on. Tired of believing for a miracle. Fill me with Your power to persevere. I’ll take the next step and believe for the next day. I will not give up!
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn

Go back and read the story of Joshua and the fall of the wall of Jericho in Joshua 5:13-6:21. I know it ends in a bloody mess. The Sunday school teachers left that part off the flannel board story. Don’t get stuck on that. Concentrate on those laps around the wall. On what day do you think you would have started grumbling?

On what day do you think you would have thought Joshua had a crazy plan?

On what day would you have wanted to give up?

On what day did they see the victory?

I hope this gives you hope! Keep going! One more day. One more lap. But who knows, it could be your last.

More from the Girlfriends

Today’s devotion came from my latest book, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go, Move Forward, Live Bold. Let’s take hold of all that Jesus has already taken hold of for us and placed in us! Check it out at where you can download a free chapter and watch a video book trailer. The book also comes with a Bible study guide. Make sure and sign up for my weekly blog for more great deals and inspiration.

Un Dia a la Vez - Camina una milla extra

Él nos da mayor ayuda con su gracia. Por eso dice la Escritura: «Dios se opone a los orgullosos, pero da gracia a los humildes». Santiago 4:6

En la Biblia, el Señor Jesucristo nos enseña a que cuando nos ofendan, nos insulten o nos hieran en una mejilla, pongamos también la otra mejilla. La pregunta ahora es: ¿Qué haríamos nosotros en semejante situación? ¿Pondríamos la otra mejilla?

Llevémoslo a nuestro diario vivir: ¿Cómo nos comportaríamos ante las personas que nos humillan y nos ofenden? ¿Estaríamos dispuestos a caminar la milla extra o reaccionaríamos con la misma grosería y violencia? Lo más normal es desear vengarse y pagar, como dice la ley del talión: «Ojo por ojo y diente por diente».

Así que mi reflexión para hoy es que evitemos caer en altanería y en grosería. Debemos recordar que tú y yo representamos a Jesús en la tierra y que muchas de las miradas del mundo están sobre nosotros. A decir verdad, esperan nuestras respuestas y reacciones.

Con esto no quiero decir que permitamos el maltrato y el abuso, sino que caminemos la milla extra y oremos hasta por nuestros enemigos, como nos ordena la Palabra de Dios. Cuando estés en una situación así, lo mejor es callar y pensar: «¿Qué haría Jesús en mi lugar?».

No se trata de que te vean como un tonto sin carácter. Al contrario, debes sentirte feliz de ser diferente. Por eso no trates de defenderte y deja que sea el Señor el que te defienda y represente.

Verse of the Day - December 07, 2016

John 11:25 (NIV) Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;

Read all of John 11

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