Friday, March 31, 2017

LHM Daily Devotion - "The Betrayer"

Jesus first mentioned a betrayal when He predicted His sufferings to His...

Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries

"The Betrayer"

April 1, 2017

(Jesus said) "Behold, the hand of him who betrays Me is with Me on the table" (Luke 22:21, ESV).

Read Luke 22:21-23

Jesus first mentioned a betrayal when He predicted His sufferings to His disciples. Now at the Last Supper He staggers His disciples with the words, "Behold, the hand of him who betrays Me is with Me on the table."

Judas must have been dumbstruck. Jesus has just put the secret he has carefully hidden out on the table for all to see. The tables have completely turned, and Judas is at Jesus' mercy. He has the power to betray Judas into the other disciples' hands or, at the very least, He can foil any attempt Judas may make to try to betray Him.

Now that He has Judas' fearful attention, Jesus continues, "The Son of Man goes as it has been determined." No one will force the Son of God to His sufferings-not Judas, not the Jewish leaders, not the Roman governor-but in order to fulfill His Father's will and to save mankind He willingly goes to His death.

But Jesus' focus is not on Himself; it's on Judas, "But woe to that man by whom He is betrayed." Jesus wants it to sink in. Like so many of the sins we contemplate, Judas doesn't understand the full magnitude of what he is about to do. Jesus wants him to understand, so he will confess his sin now and receive Jesus' pardon and forgiveness-before it is too late.

The disciples question among themselves who it is who would do this dastardly act. Jesus could do to Judas that which Judas agreed to do to Him. It is in His power to betray Judas to them. But He shields and protects him instead.

THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, You reached out to Judas with true love and concern, urging him to repent and believe. Destroy my love of worldly things that I may repent and trust in You alone. Amen

Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).

Devociones de Cuaresma - El extraño pedido de Dios

Devociones de Cuaresma  2017

El extraño pedido de Dios

01 de Abril de 2017

Por la fe, cuando Abrahán fue puesto a prueba, ofreció a Isaac. Hebreos 11:17 (Génesis 22:1-14, RVC)

Tendría unos cinco años cuando vi por primera vez un dibujo en blanco y negro de la historia bíblica de Génesis 22, con el niño Isaac acostado sobre la leña que estaba en el altar de piedras, y Abrahán sosteniendo un cuchillo grande entre sus manos levantadas. Todavía hoy esa imagen está grabada en mi mente y me produce una sensación extraña.

Los sacrificios humanos eran muy comunes en la antigüedad: los usaban los paganos para calmar a sus dioses. Sin embargo, yo no podía concebir que el Dios de la vida pidiera un sacrificio humano. ¿Qué habrá pensado Abrahán? No hay nada en la historia bíblica que nos indique lo que pensaba Abrahán respecto de este extraño pedido de Dios. Sólo se nos indica que, en fe, obedeció.

La fe es necesaria cuando Dios hace cosas extrañas. La historia del sacrificio de Isaac a manos de su padre es una figura y un anticipo del sacrificio del único Hijo de Dios a manos de su Padre. Sin la historia de la cruz en el Calvario, y de Jesús siendo sacrificado en ella, la historia de cuando Dios pone a prueba a Abrahán no tendría sentido.

Cuando Dios prueba nuestra fe, nos cuestionamos por qué lo hace. Sin embargo, tenemos que recordar que nuestros cuestionamientos no son más importantes que la obediencia en la fe. Todas las pruebas por las que pasamos tienen sentido sólo en el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz. Nada malo nos puede suceder si confiamos en que Dios tiene ya en su mente y en su amor preparado el final de nuestra prueba. La resurrección de Jesús es la garantía.

Gracias, Padre, porque nos pruebas para ejercitar nuestra fe en tu cuidado y providencia. En el nombre de Jesús. Amén

© Copyright 2017 Cristo Para Todas Las Naciones. ¡Utilice estas devociones en sus boletines! Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados por la Int'l LLL

Our Daily Bread - When Yes Means No
Read: Romans 8:22–28 | Bible in a Year: Judges 13–15; Luke 6:27–49

I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me. Psalm 120:1

I thanked God for the privilege of serving as my mom’s live-in caregiver during her battle against leukemia. When medicines began to hurt more than help, she decided to stop treatment. “I don’t want to suffer anymore,” she said. “I want to enjoy my last days with family. God knows I’m ready to go home.”

I pleaded with our loving heavenly Father—the Great Physician—confident He could work miracles. But to say yes to my mom’s prayers, He would have to say no to mine. Sobbing, I surrendered, “Your will be done, Lord.”

Soon after, Jesus welcomed my mama into a pain-free eternity.

In this fallen world, we’ll experience suffering until Jesus returns (Rom. 8:22–25). Our sinful nature, limited vision, and fear of pain can distort our ability to pray. Thankfully, “the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (v. 27). He reminds us that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him (v. 28), even when His yes to someone else means a heartbreaking no for us.

When we accept our small part in His greater purpose, we can echo my mom’s watchword: “God is good, and that’s all there is to it. Whatever He decides, I’m at peace.” With confidence in the Lord’s goodness, we can trust Him to answer every prayer according to His will and for His glory.

Our Daily Bread welcomes writer Xochitl Dixon!

Meet Xochitl and all our authors at

God’s answers are wiser than our prayers.

© 2017 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Lời Sống Hằng Ngày - Khi Nhậm Lời Nghĩa Là Từ Chối
Đọc: Rô-ma 8:22-28 | Đọc Kinh Thánh suốt năm: Các quan xét 13-15; Lu-ca 6:27-49

Trong cơn gian truân, con kêu cầu Đức Giê-hô-va, Ngài đã đáp lời con. Thi Thiên 120:1

Tôi cảm tạ Chúa về đặc ân phục vụ khi là người luôn túc trực chăm sóc mẹ tôi trong suốt thời gian bà chống chọi với căn bệnh bạch cầu. Khi thuốc thang bắt đầu gây đau đớn nhiều hơn là chữa lành, mẹ tôi quyết định dừng việc chữa trị lại. Bà nói: “Mẹ không muốn chịu đau đớn thêm nữa. Mẹ muốn vui hưởng những ngày cuối đời bên gia đình. Chúa biết mẹ đã sẵn sàng về nhà.”

Tôi nài xin Cha yêu thương—Vị Bác Sĩ Đại Tài—với lòng tin rằng Ngài có thể làm phép lạ. Nhưng để nhậm lời cầu nguyện của mẹ tôi, Ngài phải nói không với lời cầu nguyện của tôi. Trong tiếng khóc nức nở, tôi thuận phục: “Lạy Chúa, xin ý Ngài được nên!”

Không lâu sau đó, Chúa Jêsus đã tiếp đón mẹ tôi vào cõi vĩnh hằng, không còn đau đớn nữa.

Trong thế giới sa ngã này, chúng ta sẽ phải chịu đau đớn cho tới khi Chúa Jêsus trở lại (Rô-ma 8:22-25). Bản chất tội lỗi, tầm nhìn hạn hẹp và nỗi sợ đau đớn có thể làm méo mó năng lực cầu nguyện của chúng ta. Tạ ơn Chúa, “Thánh Linh theo ý muốn Đức Chúa Trời mà cầu thay cho các thánh đồ” (c.27). Ngài nhắc chúng ta nhớ rằng trong mọi sự, Đức Chúa Trời hành động vì ích lợi của những người yêu mến Ngài (c.28), ngay cả khi việc Ngài nhậm lời cầu nguyện của ai đó lại là sự từ chối đầy đau đớn đối với chúng ta.

Khi chấp nhận vai trò nhỏ bé của mình trong mục đích lớn lao hơn của Ngài, chúng ta có thể lặp lại lời mẹ tôi thường nói: “Chúa tốt lành, và trong sự tốt lành ấy hàm chứa tất cả. Dù Ngài quyết định ra sao thì mẹ cũng bình an.” Với lòng tin nơi sự tốt lành của Chúa, chúng ta có thể tin chắc rằng Ngài nhậm mọi lời cầu xin theo ý muốn của Ngài và vì sự vinh hiển của Ngài.

Lạy Chúa Jêsus! Cảm ơn Ngài là Đấng đáng để chúng con tin cậy khi Ngài sắp đặt ngày tháng cuộc đời chúng con theo chương trình toàn hảo của Ngài, là chương trình cho từng người, từng thế hệ và từng giây phút cho tới khi Ngài trở lại.

Sự đáp lời của Chúa luôn khôn ngoan hơn lời cầu nguyện của chúng ta.

© 2017 Lời Sống Hằng Ngày

Nuestro Pan Diario - Cuando «sí» implica «no»
Leer: Romanos 8:22-28 | La Biblia en un año: Jueces 13–15 Lucas 6:27-49

Al Señor clamé estando en angustia, y él me respondió (Salmo 120:1).

Di gracias a Dios por poder cuidar a mi mamá durante su batalla contra la leucemia. Cuando los medicamentos empezaron a hacer más daño que bien, ella decidió dejar el tratamiento.

«Ya no quiero sufrir más —dijo—. Quiero disfrutar de mis últimos días con mi familia. Dios sabe que estoy lista para irme con Él».

Oré con fervor a nuestro amoroso Padre y poderoso Médico, sabiendo que podía hacer un milagro. Pero, para responder «sí» a mi mamá, Él tendría que decirme «no». Sollozando, me rendí a su voluntad.

Poco después, Jesús recibió a mi mamá en una eternidad libre de dolor.

En este mundo caído, habrá sufrimiento hasta que Cristo vuelva (Romanos 8:22-25). Nuestra naturaleza pecaminosa, nuestra visión limitada y el temor al dolor pueden distorsionar nuestra capacidad para orar. Pero, felizmente, el Espíritu «conforme a la voluntad de Dios intercede por los santos» (v. 27). Dios obra para bien de aquellos que lo aman (v. 28), incluso cuando su «sí» para alguien implique un desgarrador «no» para nosotros.

Podemos hacer eco del lema de mi mamá: «Dios es bueno. Cualquiera que sea su decisión, estoy en paz». Al estar seguros de la bondad del Señor, podemos confiar en que responderá según su voluntad y para su gloria.

Señor, gracias por trazar nuestros días según tu plan perfecto.

Las respuestas de Dios son más sabias que nuestras oraciones.

Unser Täglich Brot - Ja oder Nein
Lesen: Römer 8,22-28 | Die Bibel In Einem Jahr: Richter 13–15; Lukas 6,27-49

Ich rufe zu dem Herrn in meiner Not und er erhört mich. Psalm 120,1

Ich war Gott dankbar, dass ich meine Mutter im letzten Stadium ihrer Leukämieerkrankung zu Hause pflegen durfte. Als die Medikamente schließlich mehr Beschwerden als Hilfe brachten, wollte sie nicht mehr. „Ich möchte die letzten Tage gern noch mit meiner Familie genießen“, sagte sie. „Gott weiß, dass ich bereit bin heimzugehen.“

Ich bat meinen liebenden himmlischen Vater um ein Wunder. Aber wenn er die Gebete meiner Mutter erhören sollte, musste er meine Bitten abschlagen. Unter Tränen stammelte ich: „Dein Wille, Herr, geschehe.“

Bald darauf nahm Jesus meine Mutter in seine schmerzfreie Ewigkeit auf.

In dieser gefallenen Welt werden wir leiden, bis Jesus wiederkommt (Röm. 8,22-25). Unsere sündige Natur, beschränkte Sicht und die Angst vor Schmerzen können unsere Gebete behindern. Zum Glück vertritt der Geist „die Heiligen, wie es Gott gefällt“ (V.27). Er erinnert uns daran, dass für die, die ihn lieben, alles zum Besten mitwirkt (V.28), selbst wenn sein Ja zu einem anderen für uns ein herzerschütterndes Nein bedeuten mag.

Wenn wir unsere kleine Rolle in seinem großen Plan akzeptieren, können wir mit meiner Mutter mitsprechen: „Gott ist gut und das genügt. Egal, was er will, ich habe Frieden.“ Im Vertrauen auf Gottes Güte können wir gewiss sein, dass er jedes Gebet nach seinem Willen und zu seiner Ehre erhört.

Herr Jesus, hab Dank, dass wir dir völlig vertrauen können. Du leitest unsere Tage nach deinem vollkommenen Plan, der jeden Menschen, jede Generation und jeden Augenblick im Blick hat, bis du wiederkommst.

Gottes Antworten sind weiser als unsere Bitten.

© 2017 Unser Täglich Brot

Notre Pain Quotidien - Quand oui veut dire non
Lisez : Romains 8.22‑28 | La Bible en un an : JUGES 13 – 15 et LUC 6.27‑49

Dans ma détresse c'est l'Éternel que je crie, et il m'exauce. Psaume 120.1

Je suis reconnaissante envers Dieu pour le privilège d’avoir vécu chez ma mère pour lui servir d’aidante naturelle durant son combat contre la leucémie. Lorsque les médicaments ont commencé à lui causer plus de tort que de bien, elle a décidé de cesser ses traitements. « Je ne veux plus souffrir, m’a‑t‑elle dit. Je tiens à profiter de mes derniers jours en compagnie de ma famille. Dieu sait que je suis prête à rentrer à la maison. »

J’ai supplié mon Père bienveillant – le Médecin miraculeux. Reste que pour dire oui aux prières de ma mère, il devait dire non aux miennes. En sanglots, je me suis soumise : « Que ta volonté soit faite, Seigneur ! »

Peu après, Jésus l’a accueillie dans une éternité libre de toute souffrance.

Dans notre monde déchu, nous souffrirons jusqu’au retour de Jésus (RO 8.22‑25). Notre nature inique, notre vision limitée et notre peur de la douleur risquent de nuire à notre capacité de prier. Heureusement, « c’est selon Dieu qu’il [l’Esprit] intercède en faveur des saints » (V. 27). Il nous rappelle qu’en toutes choses, Dieu oeuvre pour le bien de ceux qui l’aiment (V. 28), même si un oui pour l’un signifie un non déchirant pour un autre.

En acceptant de jouer notre modeste rôle dans ses desseins supérieurs, nous pouvons faire écho au mot d’ordre de ma mère : « Dieu est bon, un point, c’est tout. Peu importe ce qu’il décide, je suis en paix. » Convaincus de la bonté du Seigneur, nous pouvons avoir l’assurance qu’il répondra à chacune de nos prières selon sa volonté et pour sa gloire.

Les réponses de Dieu sont plus sages que nos prières.

Хліб Наш Насущній - Коли “так” означає “ні”
Читати: Римлян 8:22-28 | Біблія за рік: Суддів 13–15 ; Луки 6:27-49

Я кликав до Господа в горі своїм, і Він мене вислухав. — Псалом 119:1

Я була вдячна Богу за привілей послужити моїй матері, що хворіла на лейкемію. Коли ліки почали більше шкодити, ніж допомагати, мама вирішила припинити лікування. “Я не хочу більше мучитись, – сказала вона. – Я хочу останні дні свого життя побути зі своєю родиною. Бог знає, що я готова йти до Нього”. Я молилась, щоб Господь звершив чудо зцілення − була впевнена, що Він може це зробити. Але щоб відповісти “так” на молитви моєї мами, що хотіла на небо, Він був “змушений” сказати “ні” на мої молитви. В сльозах, я скорилась: “Нехай Твоя буде воля, Господи”. І незабаром Ісус вже зустрічав мою маму у вічності, де вже немає болю.

У цьому занапащеному світі всі ми зазнаватимемо страждань, аж поки не повернеться Ісус (Рим. 8:22-25). Наше гріховне єство, наше обмежене бачення і страх болю можуть заважати нам правильно молитись. Але, дякуючи Богу, Дух Святий “з волі Божої заступається за святих” (Рим. 8:27). Він нагадує нам, що все, що трапляється у житті, служить для блага тим, хто люблять Ісуса (Рим. 8:28) – навіть якщо Його відповідь “так” для одних людей означає трагічне “ні” для нас.

Якщо ми охоче приймаємо свою маленьку роль у великих Божих справах, то можемо сказати разом з моєю мамою: “Бог є благий. Це головне. Що б Він не вирішив зробити, я завжди маю в серці мир”.

Господи Ісусе, дякуємо Тобі за те, що Ти вартий довіри. Ти постійно керуєш симфонією життя кожної людини, кожного покоління згідно з Твоїм довершеним планом – аж поки не прийдеш знову.

Божі відповіді завжди мудріші за наші молитви.

© 2017 Хліб Наш Насущній

Хлеб наш насущный - Когда «да» означает «нет»
Читать сейчас: Римлянам 8:22-28 | Библия за год: Судей 13-15; Луки 6:27-49

К Господу воззвал я в скорби моей, и Он услышал меня. — Псалом 119:1

Я была благодарна Богу за привилегию быть сиделкой у своей мамы, поддерживая ее в борьбе с лейкемией. Когда лекарства начали вредить больше, чем помогать, она решила прекратить лечение. «Я не хочу больше страдать, – сказала она, – и лучше проведу последние дни с семьей. Бог знает, что я готова пойти домой». Я взывала к Небесному Отцу, великому Целителю, будучи уверена, что Он может совершить чудо. Но, ответив «да» на молитвы моей мамы, Он тем самым ответил бы «нет» на мои. Всхлипнув, я сдалась: «Пусть будет Твоя воля, Господь». Вскоре после этого Спаситель ввел мою маму туда, где больше нет боли.

В этом падшем мире мы будем терпеть скорби вплоть до возвращения Христа (Рим. 8:22-25). Наша греховная природа, ограниченное понимание и страх боли могут повлиять на молитвы. К счастью, Святой Дух «ходатайствует за святых по воле Божией» (Рим. 8:27). Он напоминает нам, что любящим Бога все содействует ко благу (Рим. 8:28), даже если Его «да» означает для нас печальное «нет».

Если мы принимаем свое скромное место в Его великом деле, то тем самым повторяем последние слова моей мамы: «Бог благ. Что бы Он ни решил, у меня в сердце мир». С уверенностью в Господней благости мы можем принять от него любой ответ на молитву, доверяясь Его воле и желая Его славы.

Господь Иисус, благодарю Тебя за верность: Ты исполняешь Свой совершенный замысел, в который входит каждый человек, каждое поколение и каждый миг до Твоего пришествия.

Божьи ответы мудрее наших молитв.

© 2017 Хлеб Наш Насущный

The Daily Readings for FRIDAY, March 31, 2017

The Old Testament Lesson

The Old Testament Lesson for today is taken from Jeremiah 23:1-8

Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the LORD. Therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who shepherd my people: It is you who have scattered my flock, and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. So I will attend to you for your evil doings, says the LORD. Then I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the lands where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply. I will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they shall not fear any longer, or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing, says the LORD. The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. And this is the name by which he will be called: "The LORD is our righteousness." Therefore, the days are surely coming, says the LORD, when it shall no longer be said, "As the LORD lives who brought the people of Israel up out of the land of Egypt," but "As the LORD lives who brought out and led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the land of the north and out of all the lands where he had driven them." Then they shall live in their own land.

The Epistle Lesson

The Epistle Lesson for today is taken from Romans 8:28-39

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn within a large family. And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified. What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Holy Gospel Lesson

The Holy Gospel is written in John 6:52-59

The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" So Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and they died. But the one who eats this bread will live forever." He said these things while he was teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum.

Morning Psalms

Psalm 102 Domine, exaudi
1   LORD, hear my prayer, and let my cry come before you; hide not your face from me in the day of my trouble.
2   Incline your ear to me; when I call, make haste to answer me,
3   For my days drift away like smoke, and my bones are hot as burning coals.
4   My heart is smitten like grass and withered, so that I forget to eat my bread.
5   Because of the voice of my groaning I am but skin and bones.
6   I have become like a vulture in the wilderness, like an owl among the ruins.
7   I lie awake and groan; I am like a sparrow, lonely on a house-top.
8   My enemies revile me all day long, and those who scoff at me have taken an oath against me.
9   For I have eaten ashes for bread and mingled my drink with weeping.
10   Because of your indignation and wrath you have lifted me up and thrown me away.
11   My days pass away like a shadow, and I wither like the grass.
12   But you, O LORD, endure for ever, and your Name from age to age.
13   You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to have mercy upon her; indeed, the appointed time has come.
14   For your servants love her very rubble, and are moved to pity even for her dust.
15   The nations shall fear your Name, O LORD, and all the kings of the earth your glory.
16   For the LORD will build up Zion, and his glory will appear.
17   He will look with favor on the prayer of the homeless; he will not despise their plea.
18   Let this be written for a future generation, so that a people yet unborn may praise the LORD.
19   For the LORD looked down from his holy place on high; from the heavens he beheld the earth;
20   That he might hear the groan of the captive and set free those condemned to die;
21   That they may declare in Zion the Name of the LORD, and his praise in Jerusalem;
22   When the peoples are gathered together, and the kingdoms also, to serve the LORD.
23   He has brought down my strength before my time; he has shortened the number of my days;
24   And I said, "O my God, do not take me away in the midst of my days; your years endure throughout all generations.
25   In the beginning, O LORD, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands;
26   They shall perish, but you will endure; they all shall wear out like a garment; as clothing you will change them, and they shall be changed;
27   But you are always the same, and your years will never end.
28   The children of your servants shall continue, and their offspring shall stand fast in your sight."

Evening Psalms

Psalm 107: Part I Confitemini Domino
1   Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, and his mercy endures for ever.
2   Let all those whom the LORD has redeemed proclaim that he redeemed them from the hand of the foe.
3   He gathered them out of the lands; from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
4   Some wandered in desert wastes; they found no way to a city where they might dwell.
5   They were hungry and thirsty; their spirits languished within them.
6   Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.
7   He put their feet on a straight path to go to a city where they might dwell.
8   Let them give thanks to the LORD for his mercy and the wonders he does for his children.
9   For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
10   Some sat in darkness and deep gloom, bound fast in misery and iron;
11   Because they rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.
12   So he humbled their spirits with hard labor; they stumbled, and there was none to help.
13   Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.
14   He led them out of darkness and deep gloom and broke their bonds asunder.
15   Let them give thanks to the LORD for his mercy and the wonders he does for his children.
16   For he shatters the doors of bronze and breaks in two the iron bars.
17   Some were fools and took to rebellious ways; they were afflicted because of their sins.
18   They abhorred all manner of food and drew near to death's door.
19   Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.
20   He sent forth his word and healed them and saved them from the grave.
21   Let them give thanks to the LORD for his mercy and the wonders he does for his children.
22   Let them offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving and tell of his acts with shouts of joy.
23   Some went down to the sea in ships and plied their trade in deep waters;
24   They beheld the works of the LORD and his wonders in the deep.
25   Then he spoke, and a stormy wind arose, which tossed high the waves of the sea.
26   They mounted up to the heavens and fell back to the depths; their hearts melted because of their peril.
27   They reeled and staggered like drunkards and were at their wits' end.
28   Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.
29   He stilled the storm to a whisper and quieted the waves of the sea.
30   Then were they glad because of the calm, and he brought them to the harbor they were bound for.
31   Let them give thanks to the LORD for his mercy and the wonders he does for his children.
32   Let them exalt him in the congregation of the people and praise him in the council of the elders.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The New Revised Standard Version Bible may be quoted and/or reprinted up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of the publisher, provided the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the Bible or account for fifty percent (50%) of the total work in which they are quoted.

Verse of the Day - March 31, 2017

Isaiah 53:5-6 (NIV) But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Read all of Isaiah 53

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Morning Devotions with Cap'n Kenny - "Easter Is for Second Chances"

But he said to them, "Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you."
Mark 16:6–7 (NKJV)

Do you need a second chance today? On the first Easter morning, Peter needed one. There in the Upper Room, he had insisted that he would never deny Christ. But just as Jesus had predicted, Peter not only denied the Lord, but he denied Him three times. The last glimpse Peter had of Jesus before His crucifixion was in the glow of the fire in the high priest’s courtyard, where he actually made eye contact with Jesus. And then he went out and wept bitterly.

What kind of look do you think Jesus gave Peter when their eyes met? Do you think it was one of those I-told-you-so looks? Do you think it was one of scorn, as if to say, “How could you betray Me?” I don’t think it was either one. I think it was a look of love, a look of compassion that said, “I still love you, Peter.” And I believe that is why Peter went out and wept bitterly. He had failed the Lord so miserably. He probably thought there was no hope for him.

But then a message went out from the empty tomb that Jesus had risen, followed by these instructions, “Go, tell His disciples—and Peter. . . ” It was not, “Go tell the disciples, including Peter, James, and John. . .” It was just Peter, because Peter needed a special word of encouragement.

Do you need encouragement today? Maybe you have fallen short. You didn’t plan on it, but it happened. And like Peter, maybe you ended up with the wrong people in the wrong place at the wrong time, ultimately doing the wrong thing.

God gave Peter a second chance. And He will give you one, too—because Easter is for the person who needs a second chance.

In Jesus,
Cap'n Kenny

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Click HERE to find out more about how to have a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, NKJV® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Devotion by Greg Laurie © 2017 Harvest Christian Fellowship; all rights reserved.

Un Dia a la Vez - Oración por la unión de la familia

Dichosos todos los que temen al Señor [...] En el seno de tu hogar, tu esposa será como vid llena de uvas [...] tus hijos serán como vástagos de olivo.
Salmo 128:1, 3 

¡Dios mío y Padre mío! Gracias por ser nuestro Padre. Gracias porque tú nunca nos dejarás ni nos abandonarás.

Te agradecemos porque de una manera sencilla puedo ver algunas de las cosas que esperas de mí como padre, como madre o como hijo.

Te pido perdón si no he desarrollado como es debido mi posición de hijo y de padre.

Te suplico que me des una nueva oportunidad para buscar más de ti y así obtener la sabiduría de cuidar a los míos de manera que sea un buen ejemplo para ellos.

Hoy, como familia, te rogamos que nos des un manto de unión y de protección. Que de una manera milagrosa sanes los corazones de cada uno de los que en este día se acogen a tu misericordia.

Te necesitamos y ponemos delante de ti todo hogar representado por cada persona que hoy hace esta oración.

Gracias, mi Dios, por la bendición de tener una familia.

Amén y amén

Un Día a la Vez Copyright © by Claudia Pinzón.

Standing Strong Through the Storm - ENTRUSTING ASPECT OF COMMITMENT

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

On the basis of certain facts, a relationship has been established between two parties. Now there must be actual evidence to prove that one has made that commitment. This is the aspect of entrusting oneself to that second party. In our Luke text, we see two phrases that reflect this entrusting aspect of commitment, “deny yourself” and “take up your cross daily.”

Deny Yourself:

The word “deny” literally means “say no to oneself” or “renounce self—leave self behind.” The biblical concept of commitment calls the follower of Jesus to “deny oneself” not self-denial. This is not to deny something, but a more complete and total denial of oneself in which one no longer seeks for what pleases self.

This is in direct contrast to the normal way of life where everyone is out for himself or herself. The basic sinful nature of the world, whether communist, capitalist or revolutionary is the same. It desires the promotion of self at the expense of someone else. Jesus says his followers will be known as those who deny themselves.

Take Up Your Cross Daily: The second part is even more extreme. Commitment also calls for the taking up of the cross. In commitment to Jesus, you deny yourself even to the point of willingness to go to your own execution! We only commit ourselves to the point of willingness to die when we understand that the present life ends up in death anyway and the One who has promised us forgiveness and eternal life can really deliver.

In Jesus Christ, the believer has found real life. Therefore the denying of self and the way of the cross are only logical steps for him or her to take.

A young man who had recently become a Christian was returning home to a country where the punishment for conversion to Christ was death. He was asked whether or not he was afraid to go back. He replied, “I have already died in Christ!”

Jim Elliott, a missionary who was martyred in Ecuador, said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

RESPONSE: Today I will commit to entrust myself to Jesus by denying self and taking up my cross.

PRAYER: Lord, I entrust myself to You and purpose to live the rest of my life to the fullest in ways that only You decide.

Men of the Bible - Gideon

His name means: "Hewer, Slasher, Hacker"

His work: A farmer called to bring Israel back to the Lord (a task in which he partially succeeded) and to deliver God's people from their Midianite oppressors.
His character: A fearful man, living in a time when Israel had plenty to fear, Gideon questioned the Lord, demanding signs that would reassure him of God's faithfulness. Even though he was a reluctant warrior, he won a brilliant military victory and became one of Israel's greatest judges.
His triumph: That God's vision for his life turned out to be far greater than his own.
Key Scriptures: Judges 6-8

A Look at the Man

Gideon's story reminds us of the story of another man, centuries earlier, who also felt inadequate for the role God assigned him. His name was Moses, a man who had been hiding out just as Gideon had when God called him. Both Gideon and Moses made excuses, plausible-sounding ones to us though not to God. To both men God simply said, "I am sending you."

When Gideon pleaded that his clan was the weakest in Israel and he the least of his family, he was unwittingly expressing his qualifications for the job. God wasn't looking for a born leader, a man who would be great in the eyes of his own people. He wasn't searching for a self-reliant man who would take credit for every victory. He needed someone whose weakness he could use, a man whose apparent unsuitability would eventually convince his people that their God was still with them, still powerful, still loving.

It's interesting that God called Gideon a mighty warrior precisely at the moment when such a description was hardest to believe. How could Gideon comprehend it when his own idea of himself was so contrary to God's idea? Because of the Lord's remarkable patience, Gideon was eventually able to overcome his doubts and become the man God intended him to be. By believing in God, he lived out his life, not as a timid man, but as a warrior who had won a brilliant victory.

Many of us are like Moses and Gideon were at the moment God first called them. We are hiding out, living our own lives, reluctant to alter the status quo, unable to believe we are capable of any kind of greatness. But God describes his plan for our lives, not in our terms, but in his. And that's how it should be, because he's the only one who knows who we really are and what his power can do within us. If we want to experience God shaping our lives and using us—in our families, our churches, and our communities—we will have to set aside our own vision for ourselves in order to embrace his. Anyone who does that will one day look back, not with regret, but with gratitude, amazed at the great things God has done in a life yielded to him.

Reflect On: Judges 6:36–40
Praise God: For his patience.
Offer Thanks: For the guidance God gives.
Confess: Any doubts you may have about God's desire to guide you. Ask God: To help you use "the strength you have" as you seek to do his will.

Today's reading is a brief excerpt from Men of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study of Men in Scripture by Ann Spangler and Robert Wolgemuth (Zondervan). © 2010 by Ann Spangler. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Enjoy the complete book by purchasing your own copy at the Bible Gateway Store. The book's title must be included when sharing the above content on social media. Coming this fall: watch for Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler.

Girlfriends in God - 3 Ways to Wreck Anxiety and Fear

by Kelly Balarie

Today’s Truth

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight (Ephesians 1:4, NIV).

Friend to Friend

I looked down at the empty box of cookies stashed in the trash. I just devoured them. The more I started at the box, the more it reminded me, if I left it there, I’d likely be caught red-handed. So, I did what any smart sweet-toothed woman would do – I dug deep into the yuck and hid the “evidence.” However, as I stepped back, to catch a glimpse of the trash bin from various angles, all I could see, taste and feel was guilt:
What if my husband hid “evidence” like I do?
What if I continue to eat and eat and eat?
What if I start to hide in other ways?
Anxiety feels not only like sweat, but also like a heart that beats out loud. It pounds and pounds until you’re certain your biggest fears, strongest worries and largest inadequacies will sound in unison and come crashing down.

What makes your anxiety come alive? Social situations? Dwindling finances? Health concerns? Relational issues? Your weight? Your future? Your past?

Anxiety speaks like a dictator and lives like bondage. Jesus speaks like peace and brings deliverance to life.

Clearly, we want Jesus. So, how do we listen to truth when we’re being eaten alive by anxiety? This is what I’ve been pondering, because I am tired of bowing down to my emotions. I am tired of fearing life, rather than receiving the fullness of God. And, I am tired of the tirade that plays out in my mind.

I’ve found breakthrough in this verse: For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Ephesians 1:4

3 Ways to Wreck Anxiety and Fear

  1. Acknowledge: God chose you. This means, out of all the millions of people He could have created, could have desired and could have accepted – by grace, He set His affections on you.
  2. Accept: You are holy. By the sacrifice of Jesus, even in your worry, wrestling and hand writhing, God sees you as radiant and resplendent. You are his walking glory!
  3. Affirm: You are blameless in His sight. Because Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, you can walk as an imperfect woman, covered by His heart-aching death on the cross.
The best way to beat fear is to not fear it. The best way to beat fear is to acknowledge it, repent of it and then douse it with love. It can’t rage under the power of the Living Water (Jo. 4:14). It can’t thrive under the light of truth. It can’t strengthen when submitted to the God of all strength.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment… (1 John 4:18)

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, thank You. Thank You that You see us as holy and blameless. Thank You that You want us. Thank You that, because of your sacrifice, You see us as radiant. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. We accept this as truth and we will walk by this truth today. We love You.
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn

Anxiety is an invasive bully. It gets in your face and then under your skin, telling you you’re about to face ruin.

God tends to us in a different way. What does 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 tell you about how God approaches you?

More from the Girlfriends

Kelly Balarie, blogger at Purposeful Faith and author of “Fear Fighting: Awakening the Courage to Overcome Your Fears” is passionate about joining hands with women who often find themselves stuck in the pits of life. Step-by-step, word-by-word, her dream is that together they can emerge better - fear, fret and panic-free. Get all of Kelly’s Purposeful Faith blog posts by email for a dose of inspiration and encouragement.

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Click HERE to find out more about how to have a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God P.O. Box 725 Matthews, NC 28106