Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Daily Meditation for March 16, 2016

From Forward Day by Day

Mark 10:16 And Jesus took the children up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.

I served as priest once in a church that featured a lovely sculpture of the scene in this verse. When we started encouraging children to come to worship, some people didn’t like this for one reason or another. The children were a bit noisy, perhaps. Some thought they should be in class, coloring, where they might be doing “age-appropriate” things.

But from my vantage point in the chancel, I could see the children’s wide eyes when we had processions or used incense or bowed low in awe. I had to learn to preach differently with children near the front of the church, because those little ones—who looked like they weren’t paying attention—would answer my rhetorical questions. They handed me pictures they drew during sermons, often of things I had mentioned. Those young people were getting so much out of worship that it saddened me to know that so many churches keep their children out of church. Studies show that children who grow up in church are more likely to continue worshiping as adults. More important, the blessing of Jesus Christ is theirs to claim.