Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Daily Meditation for April 13, 2016

From Forward Day by Day

Matthew 3:15 Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.

Each morning I wake up and have my prayer time… except for the mornings that I don’t. My prayer time doesn’t always feel holy. Sometimes I am so tired that I find myself rereading the same line. I find myself rereading the same line. (That was a test to see if you are having the same trouble this morning!) Some days, I dread sitting still long enough to do my morning prayer time, because there are other tasks to get to, just waiting for my attention.

If I let my own desire be the deciding factor, I would likely choose to sleep an hour longer most mornings or go straight to the task list for the day. Instead, I try to do what is righteous, what sets my relationship with God in right order, so that I might be formed and shaped by this intentional time with God. I hope someday every moment of my life will be laced with an awareness of God’s presence in every breath. Until then, I have my practice to teach me, and I have a good strong cup of coffee to help me along.