Sunday, April 17, 2016

Daily Meditation for April 17, 2016 - Forth Sunday of Easter

From Forward Day by Day

John 10:24 How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.

I have been a priest for eight years, and my uncertainty is still a central, life-giving element in my faith life. There are times when I long for Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit to tell me plainly the things I will not understand. There are times when the ambivalence of life seems crushing. Then about three days later, Jonah’s whale vomits me onto the beach where I live, and I walk on, holding the ambivalence in love. It is in the midst of that ambivalence that the paradoxical truth of God’s love is revealed.

A journey with Jesus leads us deeper and deeper into the mystery of God. The last are first, and the first are last. The savior is a servant. I love the mystery we call God, to whom I now pray, “Keep me in suspense, Lord, for that is where life is lived.”