Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Daily Meditation for April 21, 2016

From Forward Day by Day

1 Thessalonians 2:20 Yes, you are our glory and joy.

My son was playing in and around a small kiddie pool on a summer day with a friend. They had already made up a couple of games involving toy dinosaurs and helicopters and were struggling to work out some rules for the next game.

That’s when my son hopped up and announced, “Let’s just joy out!” Then they both ran and jumped in the pool, letting go of all the rules and games and simply enjoying the sunny day. It was such a delight for his mother and me to witness them looking so free, so joyful in their play. We took our learning that day, and it’s become a family phrase. When things seem complicated, we remember to “joy out.” It is the reset button and reality check to which we can return again and again. When we do, I imagine that God delights in witnessing that and perhaps thinks, “Finally! They remembered to joy out!”

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