Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Daily Meditation for April 26, 2016

From Forward Day by Day

Matthew 6:7 When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do.

As a writer, I put a high value on words. So this reminder always causes me to pause and reflect. What balances my love of words is my lifelong journey of learning to pray with silence. Stopping, sitting, letting go of control and simply resting in God’s presence.

My most connecting moments of prayer came toward the end of a summer job in East Texas. After work, I often retreated to a little waterfall on an isolated creek. Sometimes I would start painting or writing, but that would always lead to silence and stillness.

After practicing for a summer, one day I sat to pray, and all distinction disappeared. I felt connected not only to the rock I sat on and the air I breathed but also through them to the trees and grass and sky. I had a glimpse of God’s presence in me and in all the good creation. For a moment I let go of the distinction of words and empty phrases and fell into God’s presence.

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