Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Daily Meditation for May 4, 2016

From Forward Day by Day

Ephesians 1:7-8a In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he lavished on us.

God’s grace is lavished upon us. Lavished.

What a rich, beautiful word, derived from an old French word related to a deluge of water. Imagine standing in a desert after a long hike. Dusty, achy, thirsting. Deeply thirsting. Then suddenly a deluge of needed, desired, and yearned-for water falls over you, cleaning your skin, cooling your tired muscles, quenching your thirst.

That is being lavished.

Life has a way of leaving us aching and thirsty for dignity and love. We have a way of leaving each other aching and thirsty for dignity and love. And in this deep soul need, God lavishes us with grace.

Too often we imagine God’s love as a small drip of scarce water that falls upon us in rare, meager amounts we must earn. But no. God’s grace is lavished upon us. Drenching us in grace, cleansing us in mercy, nourishing us in love. God’s grace is lavished upon us, not because of anything we do other than stand in need.

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