Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Daily Meditation for May 8, 2016 - Seventh Sunday of Easter

From Forward Day by Day

Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

Revelation has a reputation as the science fiction/horror story of the Bible. Too often, it’s been used as a “look at what horrible things will happen” narrative to induce fear in us.

Actually, it’s a hopeful, comforting book. The words of Revelation, albeit filled with images that are otherworldly and strange, are the words we often read at funerals. They are words that reassure us that God will wipe away every tear and the souls of God’s beloved will be comforted.

And Revelation gives us the message that God is letting us know God is the beginning and the end, and all in between. There is no time, space, event, or moment that is not included in the totality of God’s love for us.

Every second is imbued with God. Every year, decade, and eon is part of God. This doesn’t mean bad things won’t ever happen to us. After all, we humans do make mistakes. It does, however, remind us that even in the tension, the chaos, the mistakes, and the tragedies, God is still present.

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