Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What's Controlling You?

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. — Romans 7:23
Watch this week's video by clicking on the image below.

If a police officer came to your door and warned you that your neighbors had just been robbed and killed, you would be on the lookout for anything that could let that enemy in your home or near your loved ones. Our King warns us in His Word that there is an enemy after us who is out to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). He also warns us that if we are not careful, we will help our enemy (the devil) accomplish his mission by what we read, watch, and listen to; we will let him destroy our values, our minds, and our children through the modern entertainment we allow in our homes.

Read this word

Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right, and pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. - Philippians 4:8

Ask Yourself

How do you feel about the world you live in after watching hours of bad news? How do you feel about the way God created you after reading a beauty magazine? Is the entertainment value worth trading time with God and those you love?

Pray About a Media Fast

Try fasting off of all TV and beauty magazines for the next week and see if your mind begins to think more clearly and if your spirit has more peace. You may see the world around you in a whole new light.

God's Letter to You

I believe if The Lord was going to write you a personal letter about battles this life brings it may read like this....

My Beloved Child,

In your weakness, I will keep you strong, My child. I am well aware of the many things in this life that war against your spirit and your soul. I know it feels like distractions and difficulties are sent daily to test your character and convictions. Remember, My love: this life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the real thing, and I’m training you through these tests to trust Me. I am preparing you today for your future life in heaven. So seek Me in prayer for My strength, and don’t give in to temptation or compromise. They are like quicksand lying on your path to righteousness. Hold on to Me and My power within you, and I promise that you will make it through. When the wicked winds try to blow out the flame of your faith or try to cause you to compromise, stand on My truth... I am your solid Rock, and you can conquer anything in My strength.

Your King and your Rock