Saturday, November 12, 2022

That The World May Know | Volume 1 | Episode 1 | Standing at the Crossroads


That The World May Know
Standing at the Crossroads

Volume 1 | Episode1
The ancient land of Israel is a testimony, an evidence if you will, of the greatness of what God did in that country, a testimony to the truth of the words that we find in the pages of the Bible.

In 2014, I started working on a biblical degree program through a small Bible college in Spring Lake, Michigan. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Divinity, I earned a Master’s degree in Theology at a Christian seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. While working on my Master’s, I became a volunteer Teaching Assistant with the Bible college in their Biblical Interpretations I and II courses under Professor Ray Vander Laan.

Ray received his Master’s of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1976 and has been actively involved in studying and teaching Jewish culture using the methods of Jewish education. He has continued graduate studies in Jewish Studies in the United States, Israel, Turkey, and Egypt. Ray is an ordained minister with the Christian Reformed Church. In his teachings, Ray put together a 16-volume video series where he takes his students to the World of the Bible, where it all happened. Filmed in Israel, Egypt, Turkey, and Greece, these powerful videos explore what it meant to follow Jesus in the first century—and what it means to follow him today. Each of the 16 volumes provides visually stunning video sessions illuminating Jesus’ teachings and helps participants understand the context in which he lived and preached.

In Volume 1 | Promised Land, travel to Israel and radically change your understanding of the Scriptures. Wet your feet in the Jordan River and impact the culture with life-giving water. Show your trust in the Lord’s provision by offering up first fruits at Jericho. And cleanse the land by confronting evil and using the tools of society to redeem your world for God. In this first volume of the That the World May Know series, historian and teacher Ray Vander Laan will show you how God guided his people to a specific place—the Promised Land—to impact the world both in ancient times and today. Experience the Bible in historical context!

In Episode 1, God called the ancient culture of Gezer to impact the rest of the world for His glory and purpose, so He calls upon us to do the same today.

Episode 1 | Volume 1 | Standing at the Crossroads

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