Saturday, December 23, 2023

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Saturday, December 23, 2023: United in Encouragement—A Journey in Fellowship


The Daily Devotional
Saturday, December 23, 2023

United in Encouragement—A Journey in Fellowship
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

Dave mentioned that the person tasked with closing the church after Sunday services often has a delayed lunch. This delay is because many congregants enjoy lingering to discuss life, struggles, and spiritual matters. This scene, twenty minutes post-service with people still engaged in deep conversation, highlights the importance of fellowship in Christian life.

In the bustling corridors of life, where individualism often overshadows community, the Apostle Paul's words to the Thessalonians serve as a poignant reminder of our Christian calling. Fellowship in Jesus is not just a spiritual concept but a dynamic expression of His love in action. As we delve into the depth and beauty of mutual encouragement in the Lord, we recognize that living for Jesus means preparing for faithfulness and service, uplifting the disheartened, and practicing patience (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Such interactions foster genuine fellowship among believers, enabling them to support each other and collectively pursue goodness (v. 15).

The Essence of Christian Fellowship

Christian fellowship is more than social gatherings; it's a divine tapestry woven with threads of shared faith, love, and purpose. In Jesus, we find not only our Savior but also our eternal family. Fellowship is where burdens are halved by shared prayers, joys are doubled by collective praise, and growth is fostered through mutual edification.

Encouragement as Our Mandate

Encouragement isn't just offering kind words; it's affirming the God-given value in each person. When Paul urges us to encourage one another, he's inviting us to be conduits of God's grace. In a world eager to criticize, be the voice that uplifts. Remember, every soul is fighting a battle unseen; your words might be the strength they need to persevere.

Building Each Other Up

To build each other up is to actively participate in each other's spiritual growth. It means celebrating successes without envy, providing counsel without judgment, and offering support without reservation. In this holy construction site, our tools are Scripture, prayer, and unconditional love.

Practical Steps in Fellowship

1. Join or Initiate Regular Gatherings: Whether it's a Bible study, prayer group, or service project, be part of a community that regularly meets to grow in faith.
2. Listen Intently: Sometimes, encouragement is less about speaking and more about listening. Be present for those who need to share their heart.
3. Affirm and Appreciate: Recognize the gifts and efforts of others. A simple acknowledgment can go a long way in bolstering someone's spirit.
4. Share Testimonies: Your story of God's faithfulness can inspire and uplift others facing similar challenges.


As we journey through this life, let us walk hand in hand, heart to heart, united in the purpose of uplifting one another. In doing so, we not only obey Paul's exhortation but also reflect the very heart of Jesus. For in this sacred fellowship, bound by His love, we find a foretaste of heaven itself. Encourage one another, build each other up, and watch as the body of Christ grows stronger, together in Him.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM
The Bible texts are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
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