Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Learning from Our Scars


The Daily Devotional
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Learning from Our Scars
The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and [Jacob] was limping because of his hip.
Genesis 32:31

Faye felt the jagged scar on her abdomen, a mark from her recent surgery to remove esophageal stomach cancer. As she shared with her husband, she viewed her scars not as reminders of pain but as symbols of healing. Her perspective echoed Jacob's experience in the biblical story.

In the biblical narrative, Jacob's wrestling with a divine being is more than a mere physical encounter; it's a pivotal moment of transformation. This all-night struggle, culminating in a dislocated hip and a lasting limp, represents a profound change in Jacob's character. Known for his deceptive tactics with Esau and Laban, Jacob is compelled to confront and accept his true nature as the "heel grabber." It is only after this acceptance and acknowledgment of his real identity that he is blessed and renamed Israel, symbolizing his triumphs over both divine and human challenges.

As dawn broke at Peniel, Jacob's transformation was complete. The physical scar of his limp was not a sign of defeat, but a badge of honor, evidencing his successful wrestle with God. This marked the end of his deceitful past and the commencement of a new, honest life with God. This limp, a constant reminder of his encounter and transformation, paralleled the journey of Faye, whose scars from cancer surgery symbolized her own path to healing. Both instances underscore the profound personal growth and change that can arise from life's struggles. Like Jacob, our lives too are often marked by scars—metaphorical reminders of our past struggles and pains, but more importantly, of our growth and transformations from those experiences.

Learning from Our Scars

1. Symbols of Survival and Strength: Every scar has a story, a narrative of survival. Like Jacob, our scars can remind us of the strength we possess—the strength that carried us through tough times.

2. Reminders of Growth and Transformation: Scars are not just reminders of what we've been through, but of how far we've come. They symbolize the lessons learned and the wisdom gained through our experiences.

3. Encouragements for Others: Sharing our 'scar stories' can be powerful. They can offer hope and encouragement to others going through similar struggles, showing them that it's possible to emerge stronger and wiser.

4. Testimonies of God's Faithfulness: Our scars can serve as reminders of God's presence in our lives. Just as Jacob's encounter at Peniel was a pivotal moment in his spiritual journey, our scars can signify moments where we felt God's guiding hand.


As you reflect on your own scars, both physical and emotional, consider the strength and wisdom they represent. Share your stories with others as a testimony of survival and transformation. Let your scars be a reminder of your personal journey with God, how each one has shaped you, and how they continue to guide you towards a deeper understanding of His grace and purpose for your life.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being with us in every struggle and for turning our scars into symbols of Your never-ending grace and strength. Help us to see our scars through Your eyes—as marks of survival, growth, and Your faithfulness. May we use our experiences to encourage others and to glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM
The Bible texts are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

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