Thursday, January 11, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Thursday, January 11, 2024: The Path of Obedience


The Daily Devotional
Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Path of Obedience
If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!
John 21:22 (NRSV)
"Please tidy up the living room before bedtime," Matt instructed his daughter. She quickly retorted, "Why doesn't she have to do it?"

This type of mild protest was common in Matt's household with his young daughters. Matt consistently replied, "Don’t worry about your sisters; I asked you."

This narrative reflects the human propensity highlighted in John 21, where Jesus, after reinstating Peter following his triple denial as chronicled in John 18:15–18 and 25–27, issued a profound command: "Follow me!" (21:19). This instruction not only reaffirmed Peter's apostleship but also subtly indicated the martyrdom that would come (vv. 18–19). However, before Peter could fully comprehend the magnitude of this call, his attention shifted to another disciple's destiny, prompting him to ask, "What about him?" (v. 21). In response, Jesus imparted a timeless lesson, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!" (v. 22).

In our contemporary world, filled with endless distractions and the constant urge to compare, Jesus' poignant words to Peter in John 21:22 carry a profound significance. His response, "What is that to you? Follow me!" transcends a mere command; it extends an invitation to embrace a life marked by purpose and undivided attention. It's a call to disregard the noise, to stop measuring our journey against others, and to focus solely on the path laid out for us—an invitation to a life of purpose and singular focus.

Embracing Our Journey

As children, we learn the importance of obedience through our relationships with our parents. They guide us, correct us, and sometimes, our curious minds wonder why our paths seem different from our siblings or friends. This curiosity, if left unchecked, can lead to a lifetime of comparisons, diminishing the unique journey God has designed for each of us.

The Call to Personal Holiness

In 1 Peter 1:14–15, we're poignantly reminded, "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct." This message isn't just about moral integrity; it represents a transformative lifestyle that mirrors our sacred vocation. Frequently, we mirror Peter's tendency to fixate on the spiritual journeys of others rather than focusing on our own path. As Peter's own end and the martyrdom foretold in John 21 drew near, he emphasized Jesus' teachings, urging us to eschew our old ways for a life of holiness. This counsel, deeply embedded in his epistle, is a powerful directive to maintain our focus on Jesus and our personal spiritual journey, rather than getting sidetracked by the paths of those around us.

Focused Obedience

Just as children are asked to trust and obey their parents, we are called to trust and obey our Heavenly Father, even when His ways are beyond our understanding. Our obedience is not blind but focused. It is not about the path He has for others, but the path He has for us. In embracing our journey and focusing on our own spiritual growth, we find contentment and clarity.

Practical Steps

1. Reflect on Your Path: Take time today to consider the unique journey God has you on. What are the specific areas He is calling you to follow Him in?
2. Avoid Comparisons: Actively resist the temptation to compare your spiritual journey or calling with others. Remember, God's plan for you is uniquely yours.
3. Seek Holiness: Ask God to help you pursue holiness in your everyday life. What are the practical steps you can take to reflect His holiness in your conduct?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the unique path You have designed for me. Help me to focus on following You and not be distracted by the journeys of others. Grant me the grace to pursue holiness in all aspects of my life, reflecting Your love and light to those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.


In this life of faith, let's remember that our focus should not waver from the One who calls us. Like obedient children, let's embrace our journey, pursue holiness, and heed the call to "Follow me!" with hearts full of devotion and eyes fixed on Jesus.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from New Revised Standard Version Bible © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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