Sunday, January 7, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Sunday, January 7, 2024: Restoration and Revival: Lessons from a Mustang


The Daily Devotional
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Restoration and Revival:
Lessons from a Mustang
Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
Psalm 80:7 (NIV)

The dramatic transformation of a 1965 Ford Mustang from a drab, worn-out yellow to a captivating spectacle of dark blue brilliance, gleaming chrome rims, chic black interior, and a robust engine, offers a powerful metaphor for spiritual rejuvenation akin to Psalm 80's message. Nestled in a garage, this Mustang, once a faded relic, underwent a meticulous restoration, emerging as a vibrant testament to renewal. Its deep blue color, polished chrome, and humming engine now narrate a tale of redemption and hope, mirroring the spiritual awakening and plea for divine restoration expressed in Psalm 80:7: "Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved," thus uniting the physical revival of an iconic car with the profound spiritual renewal sought by the faithful.

In Psalm 80, the narrative of God's people transitions from a period of prosperity post-Egypt exodus to a phase of spiritual decay, triggered by rebellion and subsequent divine judgment, encapsulating their deep longing for revival in their plea, "Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved." This plea for reconnection and revival is akin to the meticulous restoration of a Mustang, symbolizing the necessity of divine intervention in rejuvenating our souls. Just as the car is revitalized by skilled hands, we too, akin to the Psalmist's community, need God's restorative power and gracious presence to overcome the weathering effects of life's challenges and our own missteps, reminding us of the ever-present opportunity for renewal and the promise of His enduring grace.

Consider the Mustang's journey—every dent smoothed out, every part made whole, every surface gleaming anew. This is the kind of comprehensive restoration God desires for us. He longs to address not just the external blemishes but the internal workings of our hearts. When we ask God to "make your face shine on us," we're seeking His presence, His approval, and His love, which illuminate the darkest parts of our souls and guide us to salvation.

As we meditate on this, let's ponder the following:

1. Personal Restoration: What areas of your life feel worn or faded? Bring these before God in prayer, asking for His restorative touch.

2. Community Revival: Just as the restoration of the Mustang likely brought joy to a community of car enthusiasts, consider how your spiritual renewal could positively affect those around you.

3. Witness of Transformation: Just as the transformed Mustang bears witness to the skill and care of its restorers, our renewed lives testify to God's redemptive power. Reflect on how your journey can be a witness to others.


The parallel between the biblical journey and the Mustang's revival serves as a profound catalyst for self-reflection on our spiritual wellbeing. When we experience feelings of spiritual lethargy, alienation, or estrangement from God, it's a significant signal, suggesting a need to realign ourselves with Jesus and His divine intentions. Psalm 80 comforts us with the assurance that God is attentive to our pleas for renewal. This leads us to contemplate a critical inquiry: what are the barriers preventing us from pursuing the divine rejuvenation we so deeply desire? As we ponder this, we're invited to embrace the possibility of transformation and renewed closeness with the Divine.


Lord, just as You restore the broken and revive the spirit, we ask for Your restorative grace in our lives. Make Your face shine upon us, guide us to Your paths of renewal, and help us to be beacons of Your transformative love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
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