Thursday, January 18, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Thursday, January 18, 2024: Humble Service


The Daily Devotional
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Humble Service
For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.
John 13:15 (NRSV)

On the occasion of Charley and Jan's golden anniversary, they celebrated by having breakfast at a local café, accompanied by their son Jon. During their visit, they noticed the café was facing a staffing shortage, being managed by only three people: the manager, a chef, and a young girl who was juggling multiple roles as a hostess, waitress, and busser. As they were concluding their meal, Charley addressed his wife and son, inquiring if they had any pressing engagements in the upcoming hours, to which they responded in the negative.

Consequently, after receiving approval from the café's manager, Charley and Jan took it upon themselves to assist in the kitchen by washing dishes, while Jon diligently worked on tidying the cluttered tables. Jon reflected on this event, noting that it wasn't out of the ordinary for his parents. He recognized their actions as a reflection of the values they lived by, mirroring the teachings of Jesus, who, as stated in Mark 10:45, "came not to be served but to serve." This ethos of service had always been a guiding principle in their lives.


In John 13:15, we find these words of Jesus: "For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you." This profound statement, made in the context of Jesus washing His disciples' feet, sets the tone for a deeper understanding of service, humility, and love. Let us explore how this scripture can inspire us in our everyday lives, particularly in situations like lending a hand in an understaffed diner.


1. Understanding the Context: In John 13, Jesus performs a task reserved for the lowest of servants—washing feet. This was more than a mere act of cleanliness; it was a powerful demonstration of humility and service. By doing so, Jesus challenged societal norms and redefined greatness as being found in serving others.

2. The Understaffed Diner—A Modern Parallel: Imagine walking into a diner, only to find it struggling with staff shortages. There’s a palpable sense of chaos: orders are delayed, tables are cluttered, and the staff is visibly overwhelmed. This scenario is not unlike the challenges we face in our daily interactions—opportunities where our assistance could make a significant difference.

3. Application of Jesus’ Example: Just as Jesus took the towel and basin to wash His disciples' feet, we are called to take up our own tools of service in our contexts. Helping in an understaffed diner, for instance, could mean offering to clear tables, assist with dishwashing, or simply being patient and kind to the overworked staff. These acts, though seemingly small, are practical applications of Jesus’ teaching in John 13:15.

4. Service Beyond Recognition: When Jesus washed His disciples' feet, He wasn't seeking recognition. Similarly, when we help in situations like the understaffed diner, our goal shouldn’t be to receive gratitude or praise, but to selflessly serve, following the footsteps of our humble Savior.

5. The Joy in Serving: There is an inexplicable joy that comes with serving others, a joy that reflects the heart of God. When we put aside our own needs and choose to serve, we not only bless those we help but also grow in our own spiritual journey, drawing closer to the heart of God.


In the essence of John 13:15, where Jesus imparts not merely instructions but an exemplar for us to emulate, we are reminded to carry this spirit into our everyday encounters, such as aiding in an understaffed diner. In these moments, no matter how trivial our actions may seem, they hold the potential to mirror the love and humility of Jesus, effecting change in the world in profound, often unseen ways. Embracing the intrinsic joy of serving, we should focus not on seeking recognition but on the deeper satisfaction derived from aligning with the ethos of our self-sacrificing Savior. The essence of service, regardless of its varied manifestations, lies in its ability to joyfully and selflessly benefit others, whilst directing all praise towards our God, the epitome of sacrificial love and service.


Lord, help us to see the opportunities for service in our everyday lives. Give us the strength and humility to serve as You did, with a heart full of love and hands ready to help. Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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