Saturday, January 6, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Saturday, January 6, 2024: Gifts of Revelation


The Daily Devotional
Saturday, January 6, 2024

Gifts of Revelation
Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:11b (NIV)

Today, we observe Epiphany, a significant day in Christian tradition celebrating the Magi's visit to Jesus, often misrepresented in the familiar carol "We Three Kings of Orient Are." Contrary to popular belief, these visitors were not kings, nor were they from the Far East as the term 'Orient' once implied, and the Bible does not confirm their number. Despite these historical inaccuracies, the day is a poignant reminder of their journey's faith and the momentous encounter with the Christ child, marked by divine revelation and celestial guidance.

The true background and identity of the Magi might be veiled in the mists of time, but the core of their pilgrimage transcends such specifics, centering rather on their profound act of worship and the deep symbolic meanings of their offerings. The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were far from ordinary presents; they were laden with prophetic significance, each heralding different facets of Jesus' earthly journey and divine purpose. As we ponder this historical event, we're encouraged to peer beyond the legendary narrative and embrace the profound spiritual insights it conveys, celebrating the discovery and revelation that the feast of Epiphany represents.

Indeed, the scriptural account does highlight three distinct gifts they presented as they neared Bethlehem, offering Jesus "gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh" (Matthew 2:11). These were not random choices but laden with deep symbolic import reflecting aspects of Jesus' destiny and identity: gold signifying His sovereignty, frankincense His divine essence, and myrrh foreshadowing His mortality. These offerings encapsulate key elements of Jesus' life and mission, urging us to contemplate and appreciate the profound layers of meaning within the Epiphany story.

Gold for a King

Gold, a symbol of royalty and wealth, acknowledged the kingship of Jesus. As we sing of the 'King forever, ceasing never,' let's meditate on the sovereignty of Christ over our lives. How can we, like the Magi, lay our most valued possessions at His feet?

Frankincense for God

Frankincense, used in worship and prayer, signified the divine nature of Jesus. It invites us to recognize His deity and to offer our prayers and worship. As the incense rises, may our souls ascend in adoration of the One who bridges heaven and earth.

Myrrh for Sacrifice

Myrrh, an embalming oil, foreshadowed the suffering and death of Jesus. The carol's melancholy lines remind us of the impending sacrifice. In this bitter perfume, we find the sweetest gift: salvation. Let this truth deepen our gratitude and commitment to living a life that honors His sacrifice.

Closing Verse

The last verse of the carol unites these themes: "Glorious now behold him arise; / King and God and sacrifice." It's a call to behold the risen Christ, who embodies all these gifts. As the Magi followed a star to find Jesus, may we follow the light of His Word to a deeper understanding and relationship with Him.

Prayer for the Day

Lord, on this Epiphany, we thank You for revealing Yourself to us through the journey of the Magi and the gifts they brought. Help us to offer our best to You, recognizing You as our King, God, and Sacrifice. May our lives reflect the light of Your love, as we journey ever closer to You. Amen.

Reflection Question

Which of the three gifts speaks most to your current spiritual journey, and how can you offer your own 'gold, frankincense, or myrrh' to Jesus today?

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
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