Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Wednesday, January 31, 2024: Surrendering All for Eternal Riches


The Daily Devotional
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Surrendering All for Eternal Riches
For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?
Mark 8:36 (NRSV)

In a world obsessed with material success and personal achievements, the poignant story of Chinese evangelist John Sung stands as a powerful testament to the truth of Jesus Christ's words in Mark 8:36. Sung, an individual of remarkable intellectual prowess and potential for worldly acclaim, chose a path less traveled, a path of divine calling and spiritual fulfillment.

The Life of John Sung

In 1920, John Sung, the sixth offspring of a Chinese pastor, embarked on an academic journey in the United States, supported by a scholarship. His educational pursuit was marked by exceptional achievements, culminating in a PhD, yet this path led him away from his spiritual roots. This detachment lasted until a transformative night in 1927, where a profound spiritual awakening redirected his life's course. Embracing this change, he committed himself to Christ and felt a distinct call to preach, marking a significant pivot from his scholarly achievements to a spiritual vocation.

John Sung's return to China was a crossroads filled with potential for material success and recognition. However, during his journey home, a profound spiritual conviction stirred within him. Guided by the Holy Spirit, he made a decision that symbolized his total commitment to a higher purpose. He relinquished his worldly honors, casting his academic awards into the sea, yet respectfully kept his PhD certificate as a mark of honor towards his parents. This act transcended mere renunciation of material gains; it was a deep-seated affirmation of his faith and a conscious choice to pursue a calling far greater than any earthly accolade.

The Essence of Mark 8:36

This scripture invites us to question the true value of worldly gains when compared to the eternal wealth of a life in Christ. It challenges us to consider what we are willing to exchange for our souls. For John Sung, the answer was clear: nothing in this world was worth more than his relationship with God and his calling to serve Him.

Personal Reflection

While we may not all be destined for the path of evangelism as John Sung was, each day presents us with choices where we must decide between our own desires and the will of God. In the various facets of our lives—be it our careers, relationships, or personal goals—we must introspect if our pursuit of worldly achievements is overshadowing our spiritual health. Are we prepared to fully commit ourselves to Christ's guidance as Sung did? John Sung dedicated twelve years of his life to fervently sharing the gospel across China and Southeast Asia, a testament to his total surrender to his divine mission. This example prompts us to consider our own life's calling. While not all are called to be preachers or missionaries, each of us has a unique role in God’s plan. Inspired and fortified by the Holy Spirit, let us also strive to wholeheartedly commit to the path God lays before us.


Dear Lord, guided by the wisdom of Mark 8:36 and inspired by the faithful example of Your servant John Sung, we humbly seek the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Grant us the courage, Lord, to let go of our personal ambitions when they stand in the way of Your divine purpose for our lives. Just as John Sung relinquished his worldly achievements to follow Your call, empower us to discern and embrace the path You have laid out for us, even when it requires sacrifice. Help us to trust in Your greater plan, finding strength and peace in the assurance that our ultimate fulfillment lies in serving You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Closing Encouragement

As you meditate on Mark 8:36 and reflect on the life of John Sung, consider what God is asking you to surrender. Remember, in losing our life for Christ’s sake, we find true life. In letting go of temporary gains, we embrace eternal riches in Christ. May this truth guide your steps and decisions, leading you to a life of profound purpose and divine fulfillment.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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