Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Tuesday, March 5, 2024: Faith in the Unseen


The Daily Devotional
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Faith in the Unseen
That same night the Lord said to him, “Get up, attack the camp; for I have given it into your hand.
Judges 7:9

Judges 7:9 presents a fascinating moment where God commands Gideon with the words, "Get up, go down against the camp; for I have given it into your hand." This instruction initiates an extraordinary narrative of faith, bravery, and divine tactics. In a similar vein, the "Ghost Army" during World War II exemplified these values in a more contemporary setting. Reflecting on both these events offers deep understanding of faith and divine guidance when confronted by seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The Ghost Army, in March 1945, was instrumental in aiding the US forces in their strategic crossing of the Rhine River, a crucial milestone in the Western Front of World War II. Comprising actual soldiers from the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, this unit, though only 1,100 strong, effectively simulated a force of 30,000. They utilized innovative methods like inflatable tanks and broadcasting sound effects of troops and vehicles, thus crafting the illusion of a significantly larger military presence. This clever ruse effectively duped the enemy, who were led to believe they were up against a vastly larger and formidable force.


Gideon's narrative and the World War II exploits of the Ghost Army both exemplify the remarkable power of faith and strategic thinking in overcoming daunting odds. Gideon, leading a mere 300 men, stood against a massive army, guided by his unwavering faith in God and a strategy that defied conventional military tactics. His victory was achieved not through sheer numbers, but through a divinely inspired plan involving sound and visual deceptions. Similarly, the Ghost Army, employing illusions and ingenious tactics, outwitted a far superior enemy force. These episodes, one from ancient scripture and the other from modern history, both highlight how strategic ingenuity, coupled with faith, can triumph over larger, seemingly insurmountable forces. They serve as powerful reminders of the potential of faith and cunning to change the course of events, regardless of the apparent size or strength of the opposition.


In the face of life's daunting challenges, akin to the 'giants' encountered by Gideon and the Ghost Army, we too are called to embrace faith and sometimes choose less conventional routes. These challenges remind us that true strength often doesn't reside in sheer numbers or physical might, but rather in the depth of our faith and the sagacity of our decisions. It is in our moments of perceived weakness and inadequacy that we should lean into God’s strength, drawing inspiration from 2 Corinthians 12:9, which teaches us that God's power reaches its full potential in our weaknesses. This principle guides us to find resilience and capability not in our own capacities, but in the divine strength that shines through our vulnerabilities, offering us a profound source of support and guidance.


The stories of Gideon and the Ghost Army remind us that victories are not always won by the strongest or the most numerous, but by those who are strategic, faithful, and courageous. They encourage us to look beyond our limitations and to trust in God’s greater plan.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons of faith and strategy we learn from Gideon and the Ghost Army. Help us to remember that in our weakness, Your strength is made perfect. Guide us to trust in Your plans, even when they seem unconventional or challenging. Give us the courage to face our giants, relying not on our power but on Your wisdom and guidance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993, the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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