Sunday, March 31, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Sunday, March 31, 2024: Awakening to the Risen Christ


The Daily Devotional
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Awakening to the Risen Christ

He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6

In the heart of the scripture, Matthew 28:6 declares, "He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said." This powerful message of resurrection and hope has resonated throughout the ages, inspiring countless believers in their spiritual journey. Among them was Charles Simeon, an influential British clergyman and a leader in the Church of England. Simeon is most noted for his work as a preacher, biblical commentator, and as a pioneer in what later became known as the evangelical movement within the Anglican Church.


Charles Simeon's journey from a youth indulging in worldly pleasures at Eton and King's College, Cambridge, to a man of profound faith is a testament to the transformative power of spiritual awakening. His initial interests in social pastimes, horses, and fashion seemed in stark contrast to the path he would later follow. At Cambridge, a pivotal shift occurred. The mandatory participation in Communion services, far from being a mere formality, spurred Simeon to delve deeply into his faith. It was through his engagement with Christian literature, especially those focusing on Jesus Christ, that he experienced a profound change in his perspective and understanding of spirituality.

The significance of this transformation was never more evident than on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1779. It was on this day that Simeon experienced a moment of epiphany, realizing the deep significance of Christ's resurrection. His exclamation, "Jesus Christ is risen today! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" was not just a statement of belief, but a declaration of a newfound commitment to a life of Christian ministry. This moment mirrored the awe-inspiring experience of the women at Jesus' tomb, as described in the Gospel of Matthew.

Like the women who first witnessed the empty tomb and the angel's message in Matthew 28:5-6, Simeon's experience was transformative. The women, who had approached the tomb engulfed in grief, encountered a reality that transcended their understanding—the risen Christ. This event, laden with fear, wonder, and ultimately joy, led them to hurriedly share the news of this miracle. In parallel, Simeon's awakening marked the start of his lifelong dedication to sharing the message of Christ, fueled by a deep reverence and joy similar to that experienced by the women on that first Easter morning. Both stories serve as powerful reminders of the impact of encountering the risen Christ, transforming fear and uncertainty into a mission of faith and proclamation.


Charles Simeon's story encourages us to reflect on our own journey. Do we, like Simeon, allow our daily routines and pursuits to be interrupted by the profound truth of Christ's resurrection? Let us be open to the transformation that comes with truly understanding and embracing this pivotal event in Christian faith. It might not require a dramatic moment, but a sincere openness to allow Christ's resurrection to reshape our priorities, actions, and beliefs.


The timeless message of Matthew 28:6, which speaks of the risen Christ, transcends both time and culture, offering an ever-present wellspring of inspiration and profound transformation. This enduring message, which once deeply moved Charles Simeon, continues to resonate powerfully in our lives today, inviting us to embrace and experience the transformative reality of Christ's resurrection. The encounter with the risen Christ is not an event relegated to ancient history; it is a vivid, ongoing reality, assuring us of Christ's presence in our modern lives. While some may experience dramatic moments of realization akin to those of the women at the tomb or Charles Simeon, such profound experiences are not a prerequisite for everyone. The key lies in the diverse ways Jesus reveals Himself to each of us, underlining the certainty of His unfailing love and the transformative power it holds, irrespective of how it manifests in our individual lives.


Dear Lord, just as You touched the heart of Charles Simeon and transformed his life, we pray for a similar awakening in our own hearts. Help us to truly grasp the magnitude and significance of Your resurrection. May this understanding guide our actions, thoughts, and priorities, leading us closer to You. Teach us to seek You with the same fervor and dedication, knowing that in every moment of our lives, You are risen and present. Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993, the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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