Thursday, April 4, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Thursday, April 4, 2024: Embraced in Faith


The Daily Devotional
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Embraced in Faith

I will be with them in trouble.
Psalm 91:15


The touching tale of five-year-old Sarah at the dentist's office beautifully embodies the essence of Psalm 91:15, a verse that reassures us of God's steadfast presence in times of adversity. Overwhelmed by the intimidating sound of the drill, Sarah hastily vacates the dentist's chair, resolute in her refusal to return. Recognizing her distress, the dentist compassionately asks her father, Jason, to sit in the chair, intending for Sarah to find solace in her father's lap. Misunderstanding at first, Jason soon realizes the deeper purpose—to provide a comforting refuge for his daughter. This simple act of paternal comfort not only soothes Sarah’s fears, allowing the procedure to continue, but also serves as a poignant reminder of how, in our everyday struggles and fears, we too can find peace and courage in the comforting embrace of our heavenly Father.


Jason's encounter with his daughter at the dentist's office unfolded into a deep lesson about the comfort of sensing God's presence. Reflecting on the day's events, he realized a profound truth: "God often doesn't eliminate the challenges we face," he mused. This epiphany brought clarity to Jason's understanding of God’s role in times of adversity. God’s message seemed clear and comforting: "I am with you during these moments." This realization shifted his perception of God, not merely as a solver of problems but as a steadfast companion, offering strength and support through life's trials.

This story of Sarah's fear in the dentist's chair resonates with our own experiences with the formidable challenges of life. Her fright at the sound of the drill mirrors our apprehensions when confronting the unknown and unsettling aspects of our journeys. In this moment, her father's soothing presence, acting as both a sanctuary and a source of fortitude, represents the constant, reassuring presence of our heavenly Father. Just as Sarah was invited to seek refuge and comfort in her father’s embrace, we too are encouraged to find solace and strength in God during our trials. The evolution of her father's understanding, from initial confusion to realization of the dentist's intentions, mirrors our journey in grasping God’s methods—often not immediately apparent, yet always directed towards our comfort and well-being.

As Psalm 91 poignantly emphasizes, God's presence provides us not only with comfort but also with empowerment to face our challenges. This assurance is beautifully encapsulated in the promise: "When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them" (Psalm 91:15). This verse reinforces the notion that in God's mighty embrace, we can find not just solace, but also the courage and reassurance we need to navigate through life's trials.


In our lives, when we face the drill-like noises of our trials—be it in our personal, professional, or spiritual journeys—let us remember to seek the comfort of our heavenly Father’s embrace. Like Sarah, we may not escape the trials, but in God’s presence, we can find the courage and peace to face them.


The tale of Sarah at the dentist imparts a profound lesson: the presence of God doesn’t necessarily eliminate our struggles, but it profoundly alters how we experience them. Just as her father's hug didn't stop the drill's noise but transformed Sarah's perception of it, so too does God’s presence in our lives. It may not erase our challenges, but it reshapes our journey through them, infusing us with strength, comfort, and peace. In the face of life's unavoidable trials and tribulations, it is this divine embrace that empowers us to persevere. Our faith grows stronger in these moments, bolstered by the knowledge that we are not alone, but accompanied and supported by God’s enduring presence.


Heavenly Father, just as Sarah found comfort in her father's arms, let us find our solace and strength in You. In the midst of our fears and trials, remind us that You are always with us, offering Your peace and comfort. Help us to remember that though we face challenges, we are never alone. You are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. In Your loving embrace, may we find the courage to face our fears and the faith to grow through them. Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993, the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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