Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Daily Meditation for March 23, 2016 - Wednesday in Holy Week

From Forward Day by Day

John 13:21 Jesus said, “Very truly, I tell you, one of you will betray me.”

As Holy Week unfolds, events seem to spin out of control. The authorities thirst for blood. Jesus’ followers don’t seem to understand who he is or what they are to do. And even his friends betray him.

This day is sometimes called Spy Wednesday because it is the day when Judas sneakily betrays Jesus. It would be convenient for us to cast Judas as the story’s villain and move on. But it’s more complicated. For one thing, it was Judas’s betrayal that led to Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Some theologians have said Judas is an instrumental part of our salvation.

There’s an even more compelling and personal realization though. You see, Judas isn’t the only one who betrayed Jesus. I have betrayed him, and so have you. Jesus said the way we treat the “least of these” is how we treat him. I know I have ignored Jesus in the person of those who need my help. I have turned my back on Jesus. The events around our betrayals are probably less dramatic, but they are just as real as Peter’s.

Christ, have mercy on us.