Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Daily Meditation for April 27, 2016

From Forward Day by Day

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I have always enjoyed preparing and serving food to dinner guests. Sometimes I am the one who calls in a pizza order, and that’s the extent of my “preparing.” When I am able to serve food that I’ve grown in my garden, the experience is exponentially richer. I am more invested in the process and in the feeding. I have invested my time as well as my treasure, and my heart is in those meals in a way that is above and beyond delivery or take-out.

The same is true of music. If I just push play on a music player, there is little investment, but when I pick up my guitar to play and sing a song I have written, my whole heart is in it. I am invested in it. The things I treasure most are the things I have created and that usually means an investment of time, and ultimately, my heart.

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