Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What If You Were Asked to Choose?

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. — Matthew 6:25 

Watch this week's video by clicking on the image below.

Many times we have to lay down our dreams for divine destiny.

King David was a mighty warrior of the faith, but his biggest battle was inside himself as he fought to understand why God would choose him. This future king was torn from the many comforts he was accustomed to and forced to hide out in caves to protect his very life. I’m sure David must have wondered, "Is this truly God’s will for my life?"

King David did not ask God to become a leader of the faith, but David did say yes to the call to fight to further God’s Kingdom. It took sixteen years of “spiritual boot camp,” personal battles, and great sacrifices to prepare David to lead God’s people.

David did not allow the battles to make him bitter; instead he transferred his painful preparation time into prayers and cried out to God in writing. Today those pain-filled prayers found in the book of Psalms show us how to find God in our own personal battles. His calling was not easy, but his life was full of adventure and his faith still lives on in our heart today.

I know it is hard to see yourself as a David, but he is no different than you and me. He was an imperfect person who stepped out and trusted God by surrendering his wants to God’s will for his life. He lost much, but gained a legacy of faith. He fought to walk the narrow road, trusting his God to guide him all the way home to heaven.
God's Letter to You

My child,

You have my Spirit inside of you--therefore you have my power to live a life without limits. There is no war I cannot win for you. There is no problem hard enough that I cannot solve it for you. There is no life so broken that I cannot put back together again. There are no chains so strong that I cannot break them. Don’t ever doubt who you are in me. Nothing can limit you from living an abundant life but your disobedience and lack of faith. Now step out on a limb and choose to obey my commands, and you will feel my power and passion resurrect inside your soul. I will do immeasurably more than you would ever dare to ask of me, or even imagine! 

Your God Who knows NO Limits

For more about Sheri Rose's ministry, visit HisPrincess.com.