Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Daily Devotional for Tuesday, December 12, 2023: Leaning on God, Our Strong Tower


The Daily Devotional
Monday, December 12, 2023

Leaning on God, Our Strong Tower

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV)


Jasmine's day at the water park with friends turned into a humorous adventure as they tried their luck on a floating obstacle course. The course, composed of inflatable platforms, proved to be a challenge with its slippery and unstable surfaces. They struggled to maintain balance on the wobbly ramps, cliffs, and bridges, often ending up splashing into the water with laughter. At one point, exhausted, Jasmine's friend leaned on a supposed sturdy tower, only for it to collapse under her weight, adding to their amusement.

Jasmine's amusing experience at the water park, where modern, flimsy structures failed to provide support, serves as a vivid metaphor contrasting the fleeting shelters of our daily lives, such as careers and relationships, with the enduring strength and refuge symbolized by Biblical towers. In scriptures like Judges 9:50–51, towers were bastions of safety against assaults, a concept echoed in Proverbs 18:10, which portrays God as a strong tower, offering unwavering protection and security to those who trust in Him. This passage not only reflects on the transient nature of worldly supports but also underscores the timeless truth and profound safety found in the steadfast strength of God's presence.

The Strength of the Tower

A tower in ancient times was a place of defense and refuge. It stood tall, unshakable amidst attacks and turmoil. In our modern lives, this tower represents God's presence—a place where we find unwavering support and protection. When we run into His arms, we are not just hiding from our troubles; we are positioning ourselves in a place of strength that can withstand any storm.

Running to the Tower

The scripture doesn't just say to walk or meander to this tower; it urges us to run. This action signifies urgency and intentionality. In our moments of fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, we are called to actively seek refuge in God. It is a conscious decision to choose God over our worries, to trust in His strength rather than our own.

Safety in His Name

The verse specifically mentions the name of the Lord. In the Bible, a name is not just an identifier but often encapsulates the essence of a being. God's name encompasses all His power, authority, and character. When we call upon His name, we are invoking all that He is—our Protector, Provider, Healer, and Fortress.

Personal Reflection

Think of the times you've sought safety in temporary shelters—the times you've leaned on your own understanding or worldly comforts. Reflect on how these have paled in comparison to the security found in God. Are there areas in your life where you need to stop running to fragile refuges and start running to the Strong Tower?


Heavenly Father, thank You for being my Strong Tower. In You, I find safety and strength. Help me to remember to run to You in times of need, to trust in Your name, and to find solace in Your presence. Teach me to seek Your refuge above all else, for in You alone is true security. Amen.


As we journey through life's intricate paths, it's crucial to constantly remind ourselves of the unshakeable support found in God, our Strong Tower. In His encompassing presence, we discover a sanctuary that offers not only protection but also peace, inner strength, and the comforting assurance of being in the Almighty's care. This recognition echoes the analogy of our often futile search for stability in temporary worldly aspects, akin to relying on an unstable inflatable tower, which, much like the wealthy man in the Bible who trusted in his riches, ultimately fails to provide enduring security or solace. In stark contrast, this narrative vividly highlights the all-powerful nature of God and His role as the singular, everlasting source of true comfort and safety in every circumstance of life.

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