Friday, January 5, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Friday, January 5, 2024: At the Crossroads: Seeking the Ancient Paths


The Daily Devotional
Friday, January 5, 2024

At the Crossroads: Seeking the Ancient Paths
Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)

After battling illness and escalating fevers, Elisa's husband urgently needed medical attention and was swiftly hospitalized. As days merged, his condition stabilized but didn't fully recover, leaving Elisa torn between staying by his side or attending a crucial work commitment, dependent on her presence. Despite her husband's reassurances, Elisa was conflicted.

Throughout history and in the hustle of our daily lives, individuals have continually encountered pivotal moments, often finding themselves straying from divine guidance. Moses implored the faithful to "choose life" through obedience (Deuteronomy 30:19), while Jeremiah's timeless counsel urged seeking wisdom in ancient traditions and God's direction (Jeremiah 6:16), emphasizing the profound rest for our souls found in walking the good path.

At the Crossroads

Imagine you are standing at this crossroads. One path leads to a hospital room, where a loved one lies ill, their eyes searching for yours, their heart comforted by your presence. The other path stretches toward a distant city, where an important work trip awaits, with people and projects depending on your contributions. Your heart is torn, your mind conflicted.

In this moment, Jeremiah invites us to pause and seek the ancient paths. These are not just old roads but ways of wisdom, paved with understanding and compassion. They remind us that our decisions can't be based solely on immediate needs or external pressures but should be rooted in deeper values and eternal truths.

Choosing to stay with a sick loved one may mean sacrificing professional opportunities, but it also means embodying love, sacrifice, and commitment—values that are central to our spiritual journey. It's a path that acknowledges the profound impact of presence and empathy, offering comfort not just to the sick but also soothing your own soul with the peace that comes from doing what's right.

On the other hand, choosing the important work trip isn't merely a pursuit of personal ambition. It can be a path of stewardship and responsibility, a way to honor the gifts and tasks entrusted to you, and a means to serve a greater community. It's a decision that weighs the collective good and recognizes your role within a larger story.

At this crossroads, Jeremiah doesn't provide a map with a highlighted route. Instead, he offers a way to navigate: by looking for the good way, the path that aligns with divine wisdom and leads to rest for our souls. This rest isn't mere relaxation but a deep, spiritual peace that comes from walking in alignment with God's will, knowing that your choice is grounded in love, wisdom, and a greater purpose.


As you stand at the crossroads, take a moment to look and ask for the ancient paths. Seek wisdom in prayer, scripture, and the counsel of those who walk with you in faith. Remember, the right path isn't always the easiest, but it's the one where you'll find rest for your soul. Whichever way you choose, let it be a step not just in the direction of your loved one or your work but towards a deeper communion with the Divine, who guides us at every crossroads.


In facing her own critical decision, Elisa found solace and direction in ancient wisdom, deeply contemplating her obligations to both her husband and her career. The unexpected guidance from her supervisor, encouraging her to be with her husband, not only brought her immediate relief but also a clear sense of direction. Her personal story is a testament to the universal experience of navigating life's challenging choices. It reminds us that while divine counsel may not always manifest instantly, earnestly seeking it at our crossroads can profoundly shape our decisions and lead us toward a path of peace, just as Jeremiah encourages us to look for the good way and the ancient paths.


Heavenly Father, as we stand at the crossroads of difficult decisions, we seek Your ancient wisdom and Your comforting presence. Guide our hearts, Lord, as we navigate these challenging paths. Grant us the clarity to choose the way that reflects Your love and compassion, the strength to fulfill our duties with grace, and the peace that comes from trusting in Your divine providence. Help us to remember the promise in Jeremiah 6:16, to find rest for our souls by walking in the good way. In this moment of choice, let Your guiding light lead us to a path that honors You and brings healing and harmony to all aspects of our lives. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
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