Thursday, January 25, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Thursday, January 25, 2024: For Such a Time as This


The Daily Devotional
Thursday, January 25, 2024

For Such a Time as This
Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.
Esther 4:14b (NRSV)

God, why is this happening? Is this really your plan for us?

As Tom, a father and husband, grappled with the harsh reality of his cancer diagnosis, a whirlwind of questions invaded his thoughts. This came at a time when his family had recently been part of a missions team, a journey that had witnessed numerous children embracing Jesus as their Savior. They had experienced God's work firsthand, seeing tangible results of their faith. Their hearts were filled with joy. But now, faced with this daunting health challenge, Tom found himself in a perplexing juxtaposition of recent spiritual triumphs and current personal trials.


The journey of life often brings unexpected challenges that test our faith and resolve. Esther 4:14b offers a profound perspective during such times: "And who knows whether you have not come to royal dignity for such a time as this?” This verse invites us to consider that our most challenging moments might be part of a larger, divine plan.

1. Understanding Esther's Challenge:
Esther, a young Jewish woman, found herself in a daunting situation. Elevated to queen in a foreign land, she faced the potential genocide of her people. This verse reflects Mordecai's belief that Esther’s rise to queen was part of a greater plan—a plan to save her people.

2. Facing Our Own "Esther Moments":
Like Esther, we often face our "Esther moments"—times when our circumstances seem overwhelming and beyond our control. A harsh reality, such as a cancer diagnosis, can leave us questioning our purpose and path. It's in these moments we are compelled to look beyond our understanding.

3. Seeking Purpose in Pain:
In the face of adversity, it's natural to ask, "God, why is this happening? Is this really your plan for us?" These questions reflect our search for meaning in the midst of suffering. The story of Esther encourages us to consider that our struggles may have a purpose beyond what we can see.

4. Embracing Our Role in God’s Plan:
Just as Esther was placed in a position to make a significant impact, our challenges may also position us uniquely to serve God’s purpose. For someone battling cancer, this might mean offering hope and faith to others facing similar trials, turning a personal struggle into a testament of faith and resilience.

5. Trusting in God's Sovereignty:
Romans 11:33-36 reminds us of God’s unfathomable wisdom and knowledge. Trusting in His sovereignty means believing that even in the midst of our trials, there is a divine plan at work, one that we may not fully understand but can trust to be for our ultimate good.


Esther's experience, an unexpected path leading to a pivotal role in God's plan, resonates profoundly with us, especially in trying circumstances like battling cancer. Her story and Tom's courageous journey through his own battle, where he found purpose in sharing his faith with others, inspire us to see our trials as part of a greater design. These narratives encourage us to embrace the roles we find ourselves in, however challenging they may be, and to trust in God’s sovereign plan. As we navigate our unique paths, let us hold onto the belief in the unwavering goodness and perfection of God's plans, as affirmed in Romans 11:33–36, and find comfort in knowing that we are exactly where we are meant to be, "for just such a time as this."

Reflection Questions
  • What “Esther moment” are you facing right now, and how can you find purpose in it?
  • How can your current struggles be a platform for demonstrating faith and hope to others?
  • In what ways can you trust more deeply in God's plan during times of uncertainty and pain?

Heavenly Father, as we reflect upon the stirring words of Esther 4:14b, we find ourselves humbly acknowledging the daunting shadow cast by a cancer diagnosis. Just as Esther was called for a purpose in her time of trial, we pray for strength and courage for those facing this harsh reality. May they, like Esther, find the resolve to confront their challenges with faith and determination. Grant them, O Lord, a sense of Your unwavering presence and the comfort of Your love in their journey. May they feel empowered to embrace each day with hope, trusting in Your divine plan, and may their journey inspire others, demonstrating that even in life's darkest moments, Your light shines through. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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