Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Wednesday, April 3, 2024: Hearing the Shepherd's Voice


The Daily Devotional
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hearing the Shepherd's Voice
The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice.
John 10:3

In John 10:3, we find a beautiful metaphor of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who calls His sheep by name, and they recognize His voice. This imagery can be powerfully illustrated through the story of Baby Graham, whose introduction to sound via a hearing aid represents our spiritual awakening to God's voice.


Like baby Graham, initially restless and uneasy with the unfamiliar sensation of his hearing aid, we too often encounter spiritual discomfort or resistance when faced with new revelations or changes in our faith journey. The moment Graham first hears and recognizes his mother's voice serves as a powerful parallel to our experience with the divine. Initially, the voice of God might feel overwhelming or perplexing to us, but over time, as we acclimate to this 'new hearing', His words become a source of profound comfort and guidance, a constant presence that gently steers our path.

The transformative instance for Graham, marked by his widened eyes and joyful grin upon hearing his mother, beautifully mirrors our own moments of spiritual awakening. Hearing and understanding Jesus' words for the first time can fill us with a similar joy and wonder, moving from a mere knowledge of His existence to a profound, personal experience of His presence. This parallels our own journey of faith, where recognizing and understanding the voice of Jesus isn't just about hearing; it's about deepening our relationship with Him. As we grow in this journey, akin to how Graham learns to discern his mother's voice, we too learn to discern and respond to the voice of our Shepherd, deepening our trust and obedience as we walk closer with Him, guided by His hand and heart (John 10:3-4).


In your daily walk, contemplate how you tune into God's voice amid life's clamor. Ask yourself if you're truly attentive and receptive to His direction, or if worldly distractions often muffle His call. Consider carving out moments of quietude and peace, akin to spiritual sanctuaries, where you can more clearly hear His whispers. Just as Graham's hearing aid bridged the gap between him and his mother's comforting voice, let prayer, scripture, and meditation be your conduits to divine connection. Recognize that from the Old Testament's prophetic voices to the New Testament's direct words of Jesus, and now through the Holy Spirit's guidance, God's communication has evolved but remains constant in its truth. Engage deeply with these channels, finding in them the same joy and assurance that one feels in recognizing a beloved voice, as you learn to discern and joyously respond, "I hear You, God!" in your everyday life.


Graham's journey from confusion to recognition and joy mirrors our own spiritual path. As we grow in our faith, we learn to recognize and cherish the voice of our Shepherd. This journey requires patience, openness, and a willingness to listen deeply.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your voice, as clear and comforting as a mother's call to her child. Help us to quiet our hearts and minds so we can hear You more clearly. May we learn to recognize and follow Your voice with the same joy and trust as a child. Guide us in our journey of faith, so we may grow closer to You each day. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM, USA
The Bible texts are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)© 1989, 1993, the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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