Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Daily Devotions with Chaplain Kenny for Wednesday, December 20, 2023: Embracing Forgiveness


The Daily Devotional
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Embracing Forgiveness
I am he who blots out your transgressions … and remembers your sins no more.
Isaiah 43:25

In the journey of faith, the power of forgiveness stands as a beacon of hope and renewal. Our understanding of this divine principle can be deepened through the extraordinary life of American writer Jill Price, who lives with hyperthymesia—a condition that enables her to remember every detail of her life. While at first glance, this ability may seem like a blessing, it also bears the heavy burden of an unforgiving memory, relentlessly recalling every moment of pain, regret, and sorrow.

Jill Price's condition mirrors our own struggles with the past—how often do we find ourselves trapped in the relentless grip of our memories, unable to move beyond our faults, failures, and the hurt we've experienced or caused? In this light, the promise of Isaiah 43:25 shines profoundly. It speaks of a God who chooses to blot out our transgressions and remembers our sins no more. This divine act is not just a mere erasure of memory, but a deliberate and loving decision to set us free from the chains of our past.


1. Embracing Divine Forgetfulness: As Jill Price's memory holds onto every detail, it teaches us the value of what God chooses to forget. Let us find solace in the truth that our sins and mistakes are not only forgiven but also forgotten by God. This divine forgetfulness is a gift, liberating us from the weight of past transgressions.

2. Learning to Let Go: Just as we are freed from our past, we are called to free others. Holding onto grudges or past hurts only imprisons our hearts. Let us learn to forgive and forget, as our Father does, cultivating a heart of grace and compassion.

3. Moving Forward in Freedom: Jill Price's unyielding memory can make moving forward difficult. In contrast, God's forgiveness invites us to move forward in freedom. Let's take steps each day to live in the liberty that comes from being forgiven and forgetting the past, focusing instead on the hope and potential of the present and future.


Heavenly Father, just as You choose to forget our sins and transgressions, help us to let go of the burdens of our past. Teach us to embrace Your forgiveness fully, that we might live freely and forgive others as You have forgiven us. In the light of Your love and grace, guide us to a future unencumbered by the chains of unforgotten pains and regrets. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


This devotional invites reflection on the transformative power of divine forgiveness, drawing inspiration from both scripture and the unique life experience of Jill Price, encouraging believers to find freedom in forgetting and forgiving.

Devotional by: Kenny Sallee, ThM — Deming, NM
The Bible texts are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

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